Additional resources

The following section provides links to resources which can provide extra information and support to CMAs and the organisations working with them on the contents of this toolkit.

United Republic of Tanzania Guidelines for establishing community based collaborative fisheries management in marine waters of Tanzania

An example set of guidelines developed by the United Republic of Tanzania alongside WWF to aid in the establishment of community based collaborative fisheries management in the country.

Blue Ventures LMMA Toolkit

This resource provides useful additional information on the establishment of locally managed marine areas (LMMAs) and the ways in which management structures, conflict resolution tools and ongoing progress monitoring can benefit co-management organisations. While the initial toolkit is targeted at managing LMMAs, these approaches can be adapted by facilitators to benefit CMAs.

FAO Guidebook for evaluating fisheries co-management effectiveness

This guidebook by the FAO offers a process and method to evaluate the performance of a fisheries co-management system and its plan, in order to enhance its effectiveness in delivering benefits and in contributing to environmental, social and economic sustainability and good governance.

Feed the Future Ghana Fisheries Recovery Activity (GFRA) Eyes On The Water Progress Report

This progress report highlights how the USAID GFRA project aided the development and running of co-management groups called Landing Beach Enforcement Committees (LaBECS) in Ghana.

Constitution template

This document provides an example of a constitution document that can be used as an amendable template to be tailored by CMAs to fit the needs of their association. This constitution is specific to the Communities for Fisheries project in Liberia, however the structure and wording can be replicated easily.

WorldFish co-management guidebook

A guide developed by WorldFish to assist practitioners in understanding the latest research on how to achieve effective co-management of fisheries.

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