Additional resources

Example of Vessel Alert Notification generated by EJF using data collected from the DASE app in Senegal

This vessel alert notification details the activities of a trawler suspected of fishing in Senegal’s territorial sea, as evidenced through the DASE app. It demonstrates the structure used when alerting relevant authorities, including the vessel’s identity, activities, legal provisions and recommendations.

Example of Vessel Alert Notification generated by EJF using evidence collected at sea in Cameroon

This vessel alert notification details the activities of a trawler suspected of fishing in Cameroon’s Douala-Edéa National Park, as evidenced through the DASE app. It demonstrates the structure used when alerting relevant authorities, including the vessel’s identity, activities, legal provisions and recommendations.

Guidebook - How tdo download, install and submit evidence of illegal fishing via the DASE app

This presentation will provide a step-by-step guide showing how fishers and their representatives can download and use the DASE app.

Dos and Don’ts - Capturing high-quality evidence of illegal or destructive fishing behaviour using community surveillance

A list of key things to remember when capturing high-quality evidence of illegal or destructive fishing behaviour using community surveillance. The list is compiled from information throughout the toolkit, summarising crucial information points.

The Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels

This resource, compiled by the UN FAO, provides certified data from state authorities about vessels and vessel-related activities. The record shows the number of vessels from each global region, and provides links to all RFMO IUU lists. This could be useful to check if the suspected vessel identified by community surveillance has been flagged as IUU previously.

The Global Fishing Watch Interactive Vessel Tracking Map

Global Fishing Watch is the first open-access online platform for visualisation and analysis of vessel-based human activity at sea. It uses satellite technology and machine learning to show almost near-time fishing activity for about 70,000 commercial fishing vessels and has data accessible dating back to 2012. It can be used to verify information received through community surveillance by tracking the relevant vessel tracks at the time the suspected infraction occurred. It is able to show any patterns or trajectories of the vessel, and confirm whether fishing activities took place within a prohibited area.

FAO - Safety at sea for small-scale fishers

This FAO safety manual is primarily for small-scale fishers who use vessels of less than 12 metres in length, but are useful for those up to 20 metres. It details general and personal safety on board. The manual is simple and instructive, and designed for best accessibility.

TMT and Stop Illegal Fishing - Photo Manual for Fisheries Enforcement: the use of cameras in fisheries operations

This guide demonstrates how to use photography and analysis of vessel photographs to aid fisheries enforcement. Available in both English and French, the manual includes practical information on setting up cameras and taking good vessel photographs, guidelines on storage and use of photographs, key pointers for vessel photo analysis and a number of case studies illustrating how vessel photographs have been used to uncover cases of illegal fishing. This is a useful guide for any fisher, new or existing, taking part in a community surveillance programme.

Google Earth (download)

Google Earth is a detailed and interactive world map that allows geo-spatial analysis, and lets users plot locations, measure distances and a range of other useful tools. It can be used to verify information received through community surveillance by plotting coordinates provided by fishers and confirming whether fishing activities had taken place within a prohibited area.

Google Earth (user guide)

This Google Earth User Guide is an in-depth, user-friendly guide demonstrating the key functions of Google Earth. It provides a number of step-by-step instructions, including on how to change the language, finding places, and measuring distances and areas - all of which are useful for verifying community surveillance.

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