Protecting People and Planet

We believe that environmental security is not just about quality of life, it is a basic human right
Every day vulnerable people are stripped of their rights, freedom and identity. They are victims of the environmental destruction being inflicted on our shared planet. de
Driven by our core values of integrity, innovation and impact, EJF uses investigations and film to uncover these environmental and human rights abuses. We work for environmental justice, to protect the natural environment and the people and wildlife that depend upon it. Environmental security is a basic human right, and we go to the ends of the earth to defend people and planet.

Protecting marine environments, biodiversity and livelihoods
Our oceans are being pushed to the brink, putting the lives and livelihoods of billions of people across the globe at risk. EJF’s Oceans Campaign works to combat illegal and unsustainable fishing, stamp out human rights abuses driven by these illicit activities and protect the coastal communities and precious wildlife that depend on our oceans.

Securing international protection for climate change refugees
EJF’s Climate Campaign aims to secure international protection for the world’s growing population of climate refugees, forced to flee their homes in the wake of mass destruction and greater insecurity.