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Valdelice Veron from the Guarani Kaiowá community

In Brazil, the 2020 wildfires led us to Chalana Esperança, a group of conservationists dedicated to protecting the Pantanal wetlands, and its irreplaceable value to wildlife and Indigenous communities. We provided video cameras, cameras, drones and training to help document this wetland paradise and the threats to its survival. In 2023, we began to train youth activists drawn from Indigenous communities around the Pantanal wetlands, helping them to document the value of the region to their communities, and to safely gather evidence that will help drive change.

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Our journalist training deepens the specialist skills that help uncover and expose environmental crimes. We are supporting journalists investigating illegal fishing in West Africa and in Somalia. In Indonesia, with support from the US Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, we have been able to strengthen media coverage of the illicit trade in sharks.

As part of this project, we published an Investigative Journalism Training Manual for environmental reporters, a key part of our strategy to secure lasting change.

As well as working directly with environmental defenders and journalists, we want others to benefit remotely. Our training manuals are available in multiple languages and accessible to all: advocacy, communications, film and photography, field investigations and desk-based research.

Activist Training