Cotton: Have you picked yours carefully?
Over two thirds of the world’s cotton is grown in developing countries and the former Soviet Union. Valued at over $32 billion every year, global cotton production should be improving lives. But this "white gold" too often brings misery.
With thanks to sound studio 4AM Productions.
Plunder of the Oceans - EJF at the Frontline Club
(Audio only)
EJF's Ocean Campaigner Andy Hickman speaks at the Frontline Club on the 7th June. Short film screening of Deadly Catch, followed by a discussion with an expert panel and audience Q&A. Chaired by Tom Clarke, science correspondent Channel 4 News. Domitilla Senni, policy adviser to the Pew Environment Group since 2006. John Pearce is a Senior Consultant at MRAG Ltd.
One of the single biggest factors in ocean degradation is overfishing. Fish stocks have declined dramatically, with as much as 90% of big fish gone in some parts of the global ocean. More than one billion people rely on fish as their main source of protein globally. As catches decline and quotas and rules are tightened in response, there has been a huge increase in illegal, unreported or unregulated (IUU) or “pirate” fishing.
Pirate fishing is estimated to make up almost one-fifth of the global catch, and respects neither national boundaries nor international attempts to manage ocean resources. The recent seizure of £4 million worth of seafood in the Spanish port of Las Palmas, allegedly caught illegally in west African waters and headed for dinner tables in Europe, serves to highlight this growing criminal trade, which exploits lax regulations at ports and on the high seas, and often involves serious human rights infringements.
Jo Royle supports EJF's Save the Sea Campaign
Jo Royle in support of EJF's campaign Save the Sea!
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Superheroes are sent to save the world and we need you!
Join us to walk, run, skip or jump around Regent's Park, Sunday 13th of May 2012.
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Wahaca's Tommi Miers: Save the Sea Campaign
Wahaca's Tommi Miers supports EJF's Save the Sea Campaign.
EJF at the Real Food Festival
The Environmental Justice Foundation was at the Real Food Festival this year talking to the public, chefs and industry about the Save the Sea campaign and illegal fishing in West Africa.
Alongside EJF's exhibition showing the supply chain of illegal fish from West Africa making its way to Europe and the impacts on coastal fishing communities in Sierra Leone, the event was also a great opportunity for EJF volunteers and campaigners to discuss the issues and ask people why they think it's so important to Save the Sea.
Tanzania - Where the rain falls
An eight-country study by CARE & UN University to understand rainfall, hunger and human mobility.
Courtesy of CARE International.
Postcards from the frontlines - How to take part
Help protect climate refugees. Send your postcard today.
Illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean: the case of 'kiss trawling' in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia: This policy brief summarises the impacts of a form of illegal bottom trawling, known locally as kiss trawling, in Tunisia, and makes recommendations on how to bring it to an end safely, fairly and sustainably.
Kiss of death: How illegal bottom trawling threatens ecosystems and livelihoods in Tunisia: The Gulf of Gabès in Tunisia is exceptionally important, but its local traditions, economies and rich marine habitats are disappearing. A form of illegal bottom trawling known as kiss trawling is responsible - immediate action is needed to end it.