


Illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean: the case of 'kiss trawling' in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia: This policy brief summarises the impacts of a form of illegal bottom trawling, known locally as kiss trawling, in Tunisia, and makes recommendations on how to bring it to an end safely, fairly and sustainably.

Kiss of death: How illegal bottom trawling threatens ecosystems and livelihoods in Tunisia: The Gulf of Gabès in Tunisia is exceptionally important, but its local traditions, economies and rich marine habitats are disappearing. A form of illegal bottom trawling known as kiss trawling is responsible - immediate action is needed to end it.

Communiqué au Conseil de l'Autorité internationale des fonds marins (ISA): Le Conseil de l'ISA doit mettre en œuvre un moratoire sur l'exploitation minière en eaux profondes afin d'éviter des dommages irréversibles aux environnements marins, à la faune marine et à la justice environnementale

Statement to the Council of the International Seabed Authority: The ISA Council must implement a moratorium on deep-sea mining to prevent irreversible harm to marine environments, ocean wildlife and environmental justice.

Towards the abyss: how the rush to deep-sea mining threatens people and our planet - summary briefing: This summary briefing outlines the findings of "Into the abyss: how the rush to deep-sea mining threatens people and planet", calling for a stop to deep-sea mining.

Towards the abyss: how the rush to deep-sea mining threatens people and our planet: Deep-sea mining threatens to significantly disturb the delicate environment of the deep sea, with devastating consequences for life on Earth. It must be stopped.