
Radio Dadaab
This report tells the stories of those on the frontlines of the climate crisis in Dadaab refugee camp, Kenya. These stories highlight the devastating impacts of the drought in the Horn of Africa and the link between global heating and forced displacement.
Radio Dadaab
This report tells the stories of those on the frontlines of the climate crisis in Dadaab refugee camp, Kenya. These stories highlight the devastating impacts of the drought in the Horn of Africa and the link between global heating and forced displacement.
Ola Elvestuen: "We need a moratorium in international waters and in Norway"
“Deep-sea mining will have a graver impact than the Norwegian government realises today”. Norway must not go ahead with deep-sea mining, says Ola Elvestuen MP.
Astrid Puentes Riaño: deep-sea mining will perpetuate systematic inequalities
Astrid Puentes Riaño, UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to a healthy environment, speaks on how deep-sea mining would perpetuate systemic inequalities. She says that instead, we have to think about how to repair and restore all ecosystems, including coastal ecosystems and oceans, instead of increasing the damages that humanity already has done.
National fishers' organisations – EU-funded global toolkit
These associations can play a pivotal role in advocating for improved fisheries management, reducing IUU fishing, and sustainable coastal livelihoods, serving as a common voice that can highlight the plights of their constituents.
Collaborative management associations – EU-funded global toolkit
Fisheries co-management can give fishing communities a voice by connecting local actors with those at the local, regional, national and international level to raise concerns about the various pressures placed on coastal livelihoods.
Community surveillance – EU-funded global toolkit
Community surveillance schemes can detect a range of issues, such as illegal fishing, destructive fishing, and pollution. Within the context of this toolkit, it is predominantly aimed at detecting and reporting illegal fishing.
A global toolkit for participatory fisheries governance
This toolkit has been produced by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) with funding from the European Union (EU). It empowers small-scale fishing communities in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and more broadly to achieve secure sustainable, legal and ethical fisheries.
Mozambique’s Coastal Crisis: Illegal Fishing by China’s Fleet
Illegal fishing by China's distant-water fleet is pushing Mozambique's coastal ecosystems to the brink, harming the livelihoods of small-scale fishing communities. To combat this, Mozambique and China must adopt the simple, low-cost measures included in the Global Transparency Charter.
Dr Franziska Brantner: "We still know far too little about what happens when we intervene"
Trapped at sea: exposing North Korean forced labour on China’s Indian Ocean tuna fleet
This briefing finds that a fleet of Chinese tuna fishing vessels operating in the Indian Ocean reportedly used North Koreans as crew between 2019 and 2024, likely violating UN sanctions. Many were apparently subjected to abuses, including being trapped at sea for up to a decade, on vessels involved in illegal fishing and the killing of dolphins.
From Commitments to Action: A vision for the European Ocean Pact: The ocean is increasingly under threat from destructive and illegal practices, both within and beyond Europe. The EU has the necessary tools to protect the ocean from these threats, but they are not fully implemented or enforced. The European Ocean Pact must outline actions to ensure the effective implementation of EU laws aimed at combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and protecting marine biodiversity, while preventing emerging threats such as deep-sea mining.
Lettre ouverte au Commissaire européen chargé de la pêche et des océans, Costas Kadis: Dans cette lettre ouverte, les membres de la campagne Protect Our Catch, dont le EJF, demandent au commissaire européen chargé de la pêche et des océans, Costas Kadis, de prendre des mesures pour mettre fin au chalutage de fond dans les AMP de l'UE.
รายงานโครงการ Bottle Free Seas “จุดเติมน้ำ” เพื่อลดการใช้ขวดพลาสติกแบบใช้ครั้งเดียวในประเทศไทย: รายงานฉบับนี้บันทึกการเดินทางของโครงการ Bottle Free Seas ในการส่งเสริมแนวทาง รีฟิล (Refill) และใช้ซ้ำ (Reuse) ในประเทศไทย โดยสรุปผลการดำเนินงาน ความท้าทาย และโอกาสในการขยายผล พร้อมแนวทางปฏิบัติและรายการข้อเสนอแนะ เพื่อสนับสนุนองค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น เทศบาล จังหวัด และภาคเอกชน ในการพัฒนานโยบายและติดตั้งจุดเติมน้ำดื่ม