White gold - the true cost of cotton
This award-winning film by EJF documents how at the forefront of global cotton production, Uzbekistan's human rights and environmental record lags far behind the rest of the world.
The Gathering Storm: Climate Change, Security and Conflict
With millions of people forced to move each year by rapid-onset climate-related hazards and slow onset environmental degradation, social wellbeing, human rights, economies and even state stability are at risk.
Falling through the cracks
Climate change, migration and displacement.
Thailand's Seafood Slaves
Slavery, ‘pirate’ fishing and other serious crimes continue to plague Thailand’s seafood sector highlighting the shortcomings in private sector initiatives and government controls.
Pirates and Slaves
How overfishing and pirate fishing in Thailand fuels human trafficking and the plundering of our oceans.
Community empowerment in West Africa
EJF empowers coastal communities to document illegal fishing and shares evidence with local authorities and international policymakers so that action can be taken against pirate vessels and against the countries that fail to act against them.
BEYOND BORDERS: Der Klimawandel und seine Rolle bei Migration und Konflikten
In EJFs Kurzfilm BEYOND BORDERS äußern sich Klima- und Sicherheitsexperten über die Folgen der durch den Klimawandel ausgelösten Migration. In ihren Aussagen zeigt sich die Sorge, dass wir den Klimawandel sehr ernst nehmen und bereits heute aktiv werden müssen. Aufgrund der potenziell hohen Zahl an Klimaflüchtlingen, hat sich EJF das Ziel gesetzt, ihren rechtlichen Schutz sicherzustellen, der heute noch nicht existiert.
[Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln]
EJF's Sharks Campaign
Sharks have been on the planet for over 400 million years, long before the first dinosaur emerged on Earth. They have witnessed centuries of the world’s history, but human activity may bring all of this to an end - an entire ancient species facing an early extinction. Around 100 million sharks are killed by humans every single year - the equivalent to approximately 11,415 deaths per hour. EJF is working to protect critical shark species across West Africa and globally.
You can support EJF's work protecting endangered sharks by donating to our Shark Appeal:
At the tipping point: how bottom trawling is precipitating the collapse of Senegal’s artisanal fisheries: Artisanal fishing communities are the beating heart of Senegal’s fisheries sector, yet they are under threat. This report documents the environmental and socio-economic impacts of bottom trawling in Senegal.
Briefing: Schädliche Umweltauswirkungen im EU-Lieferkettengesetz – Fallbeispiel: IUU-Fischerei: Dieses Briefing zeigt anhand des Beispiels der illegalen, unregulierten und nicht gemeldeten (IUU-)Fischerei, dass eine weit gefasste Definition schädlicher Umweltauswirkungen im EU-Lieferkettengesetz dazu beitragen kann, besonders schädliche Auswirkungen der Fischerei auf die Umwelt zu verhindern und die Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Sektor zu fördern.
Joint Civil Society Statement Concerning Thailand's Fishing Sector at a Critical Crossroads: The Royal Thai Government’s progress to date in achieving a sustainable, legal, and ethical Thai fishing sector is commendable. However, rolling back reforms now would pose risks to Thailand and its fishing industry, especially when the global community is moving toward greater transparency and accountability in the seafood industry.
แถลงการณ ์ ร่วมภาคประชาสงัคม เรื7องภาคประมงของไทยในช่วงหวัเลีAยวหวัต่อ: ความก้าวหน้าของรัฐบาลไทยในการบรรลุภาคประมงไทยที่ยั่งยืน ถูกกฎหมาย และมีจริยธรรม เป็นสิ่งที่น่ายกย่อง อย่างไรก็ตาม การปฏิรูปถอยหลังในช่วงหัวเลี้ยวหัวต่อที่สำคัญนี้อาจก่อให้เกิดความเสี่ยงร้ายแรงต่อประเทศไทยและอุตสาหกรรมประมง โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเมื่อประชาคมโลกกำลังมุ่งสู่ความโปร่งใสและความรับผิดชอบในอุตสาหกรรมอาหารทะเลมากขึ้น
Enabling action in cases of systemic forced labour: As part of the setting up of an EU framework to combat forced labour, Europêche and the Environmental Justice Foundation - having a joint objective of securing sustainable and human rights abuse free fisheries - encourage Members of the European Parliament to enable the EU to take measures in cases where forced labour practices are systemic.