


Lettre ouverte adressée au Ministre des Pêches et de l’Économie maritime (MPEM) du Sénégal - Problématique du chalutage de fond au Sénégal: Nous souhaitons attirer l'attention sur la crise des ressources halieutiques que traverse le Sénégal en raison notamment des pratiques de pêche destructrices de l'environnement, non durables et souvent illégales pratiquées par la flotte chalutière du pays.

Open-letter to Senegal's Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy (MPEM) - The issue of bottom trawling in Senegal: To draw attention to the crisis in Senegal’s fisheries sector caused by the environmentally destructive, unsustainable, and often illegal fishing practices of the country's trawler fleet. Immediate and strong action is needed to mitigate the environmental and socio-economic impacts of this fishing activity, to protect the livelihoods and food security of artisanal fishing communities.

موجز السياسات: القضية القانونية لآلية امتثال فعالة للهيئة العامة لمصائد الأسماك في البحر الأبيض المتوسط: The legal analysis by Professor Tullio Scovazzi and Professor Simone Vezzani of the GFCM’s legal framework, applicable international law, and existing compliance regimes of other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) indicates that the reasons for this gap are of a political, not legal, nature.

Note de politique : Les arguments juridiques en faveur d'un mécanisme de conformité efficace de la CGPM: L’analyse juridique du cadre juridique de la CGPM, du droit international applicable et des régimes de conformité existants d’autres organisations régionales de gestion des pêches (ORGP) réalisée par les professeurs Tullio Scovazzi et Simone Vezzani indique que les raisons de cette lacune sont de nature politique et non juridique.

Policy brief : The legal case for an effective GFCM compliance mechanism: The legal analysis by Professor Tullio Scovazzi and Professor Simone Vezzani of the GFCM’s legal framework, applicable international law, and existing compliance regimes of other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) indicates that the reasons for this gap are of a political, not legal, nature.

Legal opinion on compliance and corrective measures in the GFCM system: A legal analysis by Tullio Scovazzi and Simone Vezzani of the legality of the proposed compliance and corrective measures for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)