


Net Free Seas Progress Report 2020-21: The Net Free Seas Progress Report summarises achievements, challenges, and lessons learned from the implementation of the Net Free Seas project between 2020-2021. So far, the project has worked with over 100 artisanal fishing communities across Thailand to collect and recycle 35 tonnes of discarded fishing nets. รายงานความคืบหน้าของโครงการทะเลปลอด (เศษ) อวน (Net Free Seas) ปี 2563 - 2564 รวมสรุปการดำเนินงาน ความสำเร็จ ความท้าทาย และการถอดบทเรียนของโครงการ โดยในปัจจุบันโครงการได้ร่วมงานกับชุมชนประมงพื้นบ้านกว่า 100 ชุมชนในประเทศไทย จัดเก็บและรีไซเคิลเศษอวนประมงไปกว่า 35 ตัน

Co-management: a tool for delivering legal, inclusive, and sustainable fisheries in Liberia: Small-scale fisheries in Liberia play a critical role in food security and the national economy. This policy briefing explains how co-management can make an important contribution to the sustainable management of these fisheries.

Out of the Shadows: Japanese version (ー影を照らすー): この報告書は、「水産業における世界規模での透明性に必要な10の原則」を示しています。 ライセンスリストの公開や船舶に固有の番号の付与のような、シンプルで低コストの措置はどの国にとっても十分に実現可能なものであり、違法な漁業や人権侵害問題の解決においても極めて重要な役割を果たすことができます。

Revision of EU Fisheries Control Regulation can make a big difference for biodiversity and climate if done right: open letter to the Council of the European Union: NGOs call on the Council of the European Union to ensure that the revised EU Fisheries Control Regulation contributes to sustainable fisheries management, reducing the impact of fisheries on the marine environment and promoting the protection of species and ecosystems.

Revision of EU Fisheries Control Regulation can make a big difference for biodiversity and climate if done right: open letter to the European Parliament: NGOs call on the European Parliament to ensure that the revised EU Fisheries Control Regulation contributes to sustainable fisheries management, reducing the impact of fisheries on the marine environment and promoting the protection of species and ecosystems.

Revision of EU Fisheries Control Regulation can make a big difference for biodiversity and climate if done right: open letter to the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries: NGOs call on the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to ensure that the revised EU Fisheries Control Regulation contributes to sustainable fisheries management, reducing the impact of fisheries on the marine environment and promoting the protection of species and ecosystems.