


Open letter calling on Lord Cameron to support greater protections for the Pantanal wetland: With COP 28 upon us, it is critical that the international community addresses current threats to the Pantanal, in recognition of the central role it plays in our ability to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown. Alongside MPs, peers and other NGOs in the UK and Brazil, we are calling on Lord Cameron, the UK's Foreign Secretary, to begin this process.

Trabalho escravo no setor pecuarista: o caso de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul: Entre 1995 e 2022, o setor pecuarista foi responsável por 46% dos casos detectados de trabalho escravo no país, percentual maior que qualquer outro setor.

The impact of EU supply chains on deforestation and biodiversity in Brazil's Pantanal: a global wetland under threat: This research explores the role played by EU cattle supply chains in driving the conversion of native vegetation to pasture in the Pantanal biome, with a view to informing the European Commission’s impact assessment of the expansion of the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products to include Other Wooded Land and Other Natural Ecosystems.

Technical Briefing for Korea’s implementation of the PSMA: The Food and Agriculture Organization’s Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA) is the first binding international agreement that specifically targets illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The Republic of Korea ratified the PSMA in 2016 – however, EJF’s observation and monitoring has found that the implementation of the PSMA requires significant improvement.

Lettre ouverte adressée au Ministre des Pêches et de l’Économie maritime (MPEM) du Sénégal - Problématique du chalutage de fond au Sénégal: Nous souhaitons attirer l'attention sur la crise des ressources halieutiques que traverse le Sénégal en raison notamment des pratiques de pêche destructrices de l'environnement, non durables et souvent illégales pratiquées par la flotte chalutière du pays.

Open-letter to Senegal's Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy (MPEM) - The issue of bottom trawling in Senegal: To draw attention to the crisis in Senegal’s fisheries sector caused by the environmentally destructive, unsustainable, and often illegal fishing practices of the country's trawler fleet. Immediate and strong action is needed to mitigate the environmental and socio-economic impacts of this fishing activity, to protect the livelihoods and food security of artisanal fishing communities.