Wimbi la udhalimu: Unyonyaji na uvuvi haramu wa meli za China Kusini Magharibi mwa bahari ya Hindi
Filamu hii inaangazia uwepo wa shughuli za uvuvi unaofanywa na vyombo vya majini vya China (DWF) katika eneo la Kusini-Magharibi ya Bahari ya Hindi yaani (SWIO), ukanda unaotambulika kwa utajiri mkubwa wa mazao ya bahari, ambao ni muhimu katika maisha ya jamii.
Tide of injustice: exploitation and illegal fishing on Chinese vessels in the Southwest Indian Ocean
The Chinese fishing fleet is responsible for systemic illegal fishing and human rights abuses in countries bordering the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO), undercutting China’s claims of supporting sustainable development and thriving blue economies in the region, according to a report and film by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). All of the fishers interviewed by EJF who had worked on China’s tuna fleet in the SWIO reportedly experienced or witnessed some form of human rights abuses and/or illegal fishing.
Scourge of the seas: The impact of bottom trawling on Thailand's marine ecosystems
In Thailand, a destructive form of fishing known as pair trawling threatens fisheries, food security, and ocean ecosystems. Pair trawling is when two vessels tow one net between them, which leaves vast areas of the seabed bare of life. Our film and report, supported by the Transform Bottom Trawling Coalition, reveals the pair trawler fleet's immense impact.
Uncovering hidden human rights abuses and illegal fishing at sea
As fishing vessels scour the ocean for dwindling fish stocks, satellite monitoring is becoming a key tool in tracking their elusive trails. In 2020, investigators from the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) identified two vessels engaged in unauthorised tuna fishing in the Atlantic, revealing a 'ghost fleet' exploiting vulnerable crews, engaging in illegal practices like shark finning, and smuggling high-value catches into global markets.
Victor Vescovo: deep-sea mining is "simply not a good investment"
Ocean explorer and private equity investor Victor Vescovo explains the financial risks of investing in deep-sea mining, and the increasing redundancy of minerals extracted from the deep ocean.
Burning paradise: how the EU is fuelling the Pantanal's demise
EU supply chains are directly driving the destruction of the Pantanal, one of the world's largest wetlands. Expanding anti-deforestation legislation could protect it.
Comment le chalutage de fond précipite l'effondrement de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal
Les pratiques de pêche destructrices de l'environnement et non durables pratiquées par la flotte chalutière aggravent la crise du secteur de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal.
At the tipping point: how bottom trawling is precipitating the collapse of Senegal’s artisanal fisheries
Artisanal fishing communities are the beating heart of Senegal’s fisheries sector. Yet they are under threat from severe declines in fish populations, driven in part by overfishing by the bottom trawl industry.