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FeaturedNov 11, 2024COP29 begins as fossil fuel companies make billions while plight of climate refugees worsens: EJF calls for justice at climate talksRead
FeaturedOct 22, 2024Environmental Justice Foundation and Défense des Milieux Aquatiques initiate legal action against French government for not prohibiting bottom trawling in marine protected areasRead
FeaturedSep 26, 2024Empowering coastal communities to take control of their marine resources: EJF launches EU-funded toolkit for sustainable fisheriesRead
PressNov 12, 2024
New UK climate commitment “puts the country back on a path towards real climate leadership”, says Environmental Justice Foundation
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PressNov 11, 2024COP29 begins as fossil fuel companies make billions while plight of climate refugees worsens: EJF calls for justice at climate talksRead
PressNov 01, 2024Comentario de prensa: las inundaciones en España vuelven a demostrar la urgente necesidad de una acción climáticaRead
PressNov 01, 2024Press comment: floods in Spain demonstrate again the urgent need for climate actionRead
PressJul 31, 2024Press comment: Sweeping wave of new nations back a ‘precautionary pause’ on deep-sea miningRead
PressMar 13, 2024EU ambassadors say yes to the EU forced labour lawRead
PressFeb 23, 2024The UK's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty is a huge step for climate actionRead
PressFeb 07, 2024European Parliament responds to Norway's decision to open the Arctic to deep-sea mining by calling for a global moratorium on the industryRead
PressJan 17, 2024Press comment: new Drax development is "is a shockingly backwards decision which will send both trees and cash up in smoke"Read