Sep 17, 2012

Cyclists complete ride to Brighton for EJF!!

By EJF Staff

A team of 24 cyclists have successfully completed the London to Brighton Cycle for EJF, raising over £4000!

A new addition to EJF's events calendar, the London to Brighton bike ride was a big success! The team set off from south London in high spirits and followed the neon arrows through the beautiful (if slightly hilly!) East Sussex countryside towards the south coast. The signposted route was broken up with rest stops and a buffet lunch spot for riders to re-fuel, and ended on the Brighton sea front to cheering crowd.

Leading the way for EJF was Jack Elton Walters, from ethical fashion label Rapanui, who completed the course in a blistering time of 3:02:56.

Also part of the team was EJF supporter and Radio 1Xtra DJ Sarah Jane Crawford, who has raised over £1,500 for our work so far. Traditionally supporting EJF by modelling our range of ethical fashion t-shirts, Sarah Jane took on her first challenge event and has the bug now looking for her next adventure with us. All EJF cyclists completed the course in good time, happy and puncture free, and all with their own story to tell. Whether it was a personal battle with the epic Ditchling Beacon, riding alongside one of the fancy dress riders, or just a Sunday cycle each rider fundraised sponsorship for EJF's international campaigns working to protect people and planet. One rider, Pete Lee said "I loved it, it was great to ride with the EJF team! I didn't enjoy the hills much but the lunch was fantastic and I'll definitely be back!"

The ride was open to all abilities and involved over 2,300 riders representing a number of different charites. It is one of many fun events EJF offer and we are proud to have fundraisers taking action for environmental justice.

Congratulations again and a big thank you to everyone who took part in the ride! The fantastic efforts made by individuals in challenge events like these helps EJF build our campaigns to empower local communities in some of the world's poorest and most dangeous places to investigate, expose and peacefully resolve environmental abuses.