Feb 12, 2013

EJF & PAN UK launch campaign to protect the UK's pollinators

By EJF Staff

EJF and PAN UK have launched a joint campaign to protect the UK's bees and other pollinators and the ecological and economic services they provide through an end to the use of harmful pesticides (particularly neonicotinoids) and through the promotion of habitat protection.

While there is no single explanation for the dramatic decline in bee populations seen in the last decade, consensus is growing that neonicotinoid pesticides are a key piece in this complex puzzle. For this reason, the first and most urgent major step should be a precautionary ban on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in areas where bees will come into contact with them.

EJF and PAN UK are calling for a UK Pollinator Action Plan, which includes:

  • A near-term ban on neonicotinoid pesticides
  • Government incentives and support for the adoption of pollinator-friendly farming practices and restoration of bee habitats
  • Government-funded independent research in declining bee populations and the role of pesticides.

Join our call for urgent action to protect the UK's pollinators and their vital role in our ecosystem, economy and lives.