Help EJF save nesting marine turtles
Dec 13, 2017

Help EJF save nesting marine turtles

By EJF Staff

We have discovered turtle poaching in Liberia, and we need your help to stop it now.

Every day in Liberia EJF’s local team works to protect turtles. However, right now it is the turtle nesting season, and our staff in Liberia have uncovered high levels of turtle poaching.

In the last 6 weeks we have found 6 leatherback and 2 endangered green turtles that have been killed when coming ashore to nest at night.

To make sure this stops now we urgently need to organise night time patrols of these nesting beaches.

Our officer Isaac has been approached by people from the community who want to help and protect nesting turtles. But stopping poachers can be dangerous, so we need to ensure these people have the training and equipment to protect turtles effectively and safely.

Please donate to our turtle conservation programme and help us protect endangered turtles now.

This campaign won’t just work at prevention. We want to understand why this is happening, and make sure that we get to the heart of the issue.

Right now, we need to make sure that we have people on the beach helping Isaac.

But at the same time, we will be developing a programme where we engage with communities, listen to them and understand what is driving them to poach nesting turtles, and help them develop long term solutions that stop turtle poaching altogether.

Join our campaign and help us save turtles now and in the future.

Our Conservation Officer, Isaac has filmed himself as he covers up turtle nests to protect them from poachers. In this video he covers up existing nests, and creates fake ones to ensure turtle eggs are safe from poachers. This is conservation in action, and has saved thousand of turtle eggs on Liberia’s remote coasts.