Jul 01, 2021

Help us tell world leaders that ocean protection is urgent

By EJF Staff

Our ocean gives us our every second breath. It is the blue beating heart of our planet, but we are putting it under pressure like never before. Mangroves are being wiped out, coral reefs are bleaching and dying, and whale populations are on the brink of extinction. That’s bad news for our planet, our climate and every one of us.

This year, national governments have a last chance to protect our ocean at the crunch climate talks in Glasgow. We need you to join scientists, artists, human rights experts and more to tell world leaders it's now or never: protect our ocean and climate.

Sign the petition here.

Blue carbon holds the key

Blue carbon is a golden climate mitigation opportunity. Coastal and ocean ecosystems like seagrass beds and mangroves are amazing climate allies. Despite covering 0.2% of the seafloor, blue carbon ecosystems sequester more than half the ocean’s carbon - doing so at a rate up to 40 times faster than tropical rainforests!

We are losing these vital ecosystems, but we ultimately depend on them. This is why it’s so important to turn the tide, join together and tell world leaders: protect our ocean, protect our climate. Join us here in doing just that!