Mar 22, 2021

Magnificent mangroves: Blue carbon month week 4

By EJF Staff

We are into our fourth week of blue carbon month. So far, we’ve seen some incredible support for unsung climate heroes like whales and seagrasses, and momentum is building. We are keeping this wave going this month by taking a trip to some of the most impressive coastal ecosystems of our blue planet: mangroves!

Mangroves play a huge role in fighting climate change. Beneath their flooded, salty soils, mangroves trap enormous quantities of carbon - and if left undisturbed this ‘blue carbon’ can remain locked up for millennia, helping to decarbonise our atmosphere.

Despite their critical importance, we’re losing them at an alarming rate.

30-50% of mangrove forest coverage has been lost in the last fifty years.

  • Can you sign the open letter to tell world leaders to protect blue carbon and ecosystems like mangroves?

It’s not just the climate which benefits from thriving mangroves. They are home to wildlife, providing nurseries for species like sharks, and a permanent home for rare and endangered terrestrial species too, like the fishing cat.

They can reduce the damaging power of waves by 90%, defending coastal communities from extreme weather, and they are profoundly important for marine fisheries: up to 80% of fisheries in tropical regions rely on them.

We have some social media materials you can use to encourage your friends and family to join you in calling for conservation here - on Twitter, use #KeepItInTheSea to join the conversation.

Thank you for speaking up about these extraordinary ecosystems. By joining together to campaign for mangroves, we are sending a clear message to world leaders - don’t roast the coast!

Thank you for your support.