Modern Slavery on Thai trawlers exposed by the Guardian
This week’s Guardian exposé documenting the trafficking and abuse of Burmese migrants in the Thai seafood industry has been extremely effective in drawing attention to the issue of modern day slavery in fisheries.
This is a success for efforts aimed at eliminating human trafficking and forced labour, and it is also a strong continuation of EJF’s work of documenting and exposing human trafficking in Thailand and our continued efforts to advocate for the victims of modern slavery.
EJF’s investigations into the trafficking and exploitation of Burmese migrants in Thai seafood supply chains helped to inform the six-month Guardian investigation. EJF provided the Guardian team with relevant leads and supported their work by sharing our research and insights.
Our findings have been the basis for a significant amount of global news coverage since the publication of our first report on this subject in 2013, Sold to the Sea, as well as our subsequent reports, The Hidden Cost and Slavery at Sea.
We will not stop fighting to protect the environment and to help people whose human rights are being neglected and abused.