May 24, 2024

New rules tighten controls on EU vessels to prevent misreporting

By EJF Staff

Today, the Environmental Justice Foundation commends the European Commission for approving new rules that require stricter controls for landings by EU fishing vessels, providing new tools to prevent significant misreporting of unsorted catches when landing in selected ports, including those in third countries.

It is welcome that the new rules require advanced and stricter control tools, such as CCTV to monitor landings, and set minimum benchmarks for the rates of inspection on trans-shipments. If properly implemented, this can increase transparency and accuracy in reporting by EU fleets that catch a large number of species, including those that have been overfished, such as yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean.

Sean Parramore, Senior EU Advocacy Officer at the Environmental Justice Foundation, said: "Stricter control measures on landings by EU vessels that have more leeway to misreport their catches are critical to prevent hidden overfishing. In the long run, everyone loses if we open the door to fish fraud. Fish stocks will collapse and the EU's credibility in its efforts to promote sustainable fisheries on the world stage will be severely undermined. These new rules can help prevent that.“

A first list of ports is to be adopted by July 2024, following input from EU Member States. Sean Parramore added: “When selecting ports, it is crucial that there is sufficient evidence that the conditions approved today are actually in place. This will be key for the EU to continue leading by example in fighting unreported fishing globally.”


Notes to editors

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