Sep 05, 2013

UPDATE: EJF to launch reports into Thai and Bangladeshi shrimp industries

By EJF Staff

EJF will be launching two reports detailing the findings of investigations into the environmental and social impacts of the shrimp industries in Bangladesh and Thailand in September, accompanied by compelling films.

The investigations, undertaken in 2012 and 2013, examined the consequences of the industry on the people and ecology of both countries, which have seen the development of shrimp farms in coastal areas and the proliferation of factories where shrimp is processed before export.

Shrimp is now the most valuable fisheries product in the world, but the global shrimp industry has often been predicated on environmental damage and the exploitation of vulnerable workers. The true cost of the cheap shrimp consumed in the West is largely hidden from view and being borne by those who can least afford it.

As major exporters of shrimp to EU, US and other international markets, Thai and Bangladeshi shrimp are currently being sold in supermarkets, retailers and restaurants around the world.