
Summary: A human rights lens on the impacts of industrial illegal fishing and overfishing on the socio-economic rights of small-scale fishing communities in Ghana: This is a summary of EJF's report "A human rights lens on the impacts of industrial illegal fishing and overfishing on the socio-economic rights of small-scale fishing communities in Ghana", showing that the basic human rights of Ghana’s fishing communities, including the right to adequate food, adequate standard of living and just working conditions, are under threat.

A human rights lens on the impacts of industrial illegal fishing and overfishing on the socio-economic rights of small-scale fishing communities in Ghana: The basic human rights of Ghana’s fishing communities, including the right to adequate food, adequate standard of living and just working conditions, are under threat.

What is environmental justice?: EJF's view of environmental justice, and why it has never been more important.

Legal status and protection for climate refugees as a key part of climate justice: Explicit legal recognition that people are being forcibly displaced from their homes by the climate crisis is urgently needed.

Our blue beating heart: Blue carbon solutions in the fight against the climate crisis: More than half of biological carbon is captured by marine life, yet this ‘blue carbon’ is currently neglected in climate policy.

EJF抗击全球变热宣言: 这份宣言目的是指明道路,强调人类能够以及应该采取哪些行动来实现一个可持续、可生存的未来,同时为我们亟需需要应对气候崩溃的系统变革提供一个框架。

EJF全球熱化對抗宣言: 這份宣言在對抗氣候崩潰上,為我們急迫需要改變的體制提供了明確可做、也該做的方向架構,以確保人類永續發展與可生存的未來。

Powerless bystanders: Ghana’s fisheries observers struggle to curb crimes and ensure their own safety at sea: This briefing reveals that Ghanaian fisheries observers are bribed and threatened at sea, conditions that have enabled rampant illegal fishing in Ghana’s waters.

Communities for Fisheries project update - January-June 2021: The EU-funded Communities for Fisheries project aims to create skilled, capable and effective community co-management associations (CMAs) to secure legal and sustainable fisheries in Liberia. This brief summarises the progress made under the project from January to June of 2021.

EJF's recommendations for a just European Union carbon border adjustment mechanism: A carbon border adjustment mechanism, if implemented correctly, could be a positive force for decarbonising European consumption and driving emissions reductions worldwide.

Joint Statement - 52 organisations worldwide urge EU Member States to combat illegal and unsustainable fishing practices: “Require cameras also on vessels below 24 metres”: This statement from NGOs, retailers and academics urges EU states to vote for mandating cameras on all vessels to prevent illegal fishing.

Joint letter: Proposed Thailand law threatens civil society organizations combatting trafficking: A new law proposed in Thailand includes clear violations of the right to freedom of association. We urge the US State Department to advocate for the Thai government to withdraw the bill.