PressJun 20, 2016EJF calls for Thailand to remain on Tier 3 in 2016 US Department of State Trafficking in Persons ReportRead
PressMay 31, 2016EJF: New international treaty is serious blow to pirate fishingRead
PressApr 22, 2016EJF calls for urgent action by the Sierra Leone government to protect its fisheries resources after EU warns country on its failure to combat illegal “pirate” fishingRead
PressApr 12, 2016Thailand urged to take further steps to eradicate fishing pirates and slaveryRead
PressSep 21, 2015EJF calls for rigorous investigation into the escape of IUU fishing vessel Taishan (formerly Kunlun) and for results to be made publicRead
PressJul 29, 2015Newly released database helps build the transparency within EU's distant fleetRead
PressJul 28, 2015United States Department of State maintains Thailand's lowest possible ranking on its annual Trafficking in Persons ReportRead
PressJun 19, 2015Record-breaking fines imposed on beneficiaries of illegal fishingRead
PressMay 22, 2015Oman takes decisive port measures to block suspect fishing vesselsRead
PressMay 22, 2015NFU attempt to dodge pesticides ban: Bee Coalition reactionRead
PressApr 21, 2015EU warning to Thailand to tackle pirate fishing or risk trade sanctionsRead
PressApr 21, 2015NGOs Support EU’s Warning of Trade Ban Against Thailand for Illegal FishingRead