PressNov 16, 2023EU supply chains drive deforestation in biodiversity hotspot as major fires spread: EJF reportRead
PressOct 18, 2023EU takes concrete action to combat forced labour in global fisheriesRead
PressOct 16, 2023Lead committees confirm their position on the Forced labour Regulation, yet fall short on addressing systemic forced labourRead
PressOct 16, 2023ภาคประชาสังคมเรียกร้องให้รัฐบาลไทยยุติการผ่อนปรนกฎระเบียบในอุตสาหกรรมประมงRead
PressOct 16, 2023Civil society urges Thai government to stop deregulation of the fisheries industryRead
PressOct 03, 2023Mediterranean countries not on track to protect the Mediterranean against illegal and unsustainable fishingRead
PressSep 28, 2023Métaux critiques pour la transition: la solution n'est pas la destruction des grands fonds mais l'économie circulaire et la sobriétéRead
PressSep 20, 2023European Parliament Committee on Fisheries calls for greater scrutiny of China's distant water fleetRead
PressAug 25, 2023Pacific island nations again lead the way in protecting the oceanRead
PressJul 19, 2023Forced labour gets the red card: key committee votes in favour of addressing systemic labour abusesRead
PressJun 27, 2023EU committee votes in favour of increased fisheries regulation: Press commentRead
PressMay 15, 2023Environmentalists warn investors of deep-sea mining riskRead