PressApr 11, 2024China is responsible for systemic human rights abuses and illegal fishing across the Southwest Indian Ocean: new investigationRead
PressApr 11, 2024Chinas Hochseeflotte auf Raubzug in Ostafrika – Exporte aus illegaler Fischerei in die EU möglich: neuer EJF-BerichtRead
PressApr 05, 2024Korea’s new plan to protect migrant crew is a step forward, but systematic solutions are still needed: press releaseRead
PressMar 15, 2024EU Member States salvage a deal for more sustainable business practicesRead
PressMar 13, 2024EU ambassadors say yes to the EU forced labour lawRead
PressMar 13, 2024Products linked to forced labour may have entered the international market via Busan: new analysisRead
PressMar 07, 2024Zhejiang Ocean Family's fishing fleet: revealing concerns about illegal fishing and human rights abuseRead
PressFeb 23, 2024The UK's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty is a huge step for climate actionRead
PressFeb 09, 2024EU Member States fail to find an agreement to make business more sustainableRead
PressFeb 07, 2024European Parliament responds to Norway's decision to open the Arctic to deep-sea mining by calling for a global moratorium on the industryRead
PressFeb 06, 2024Germany abstaining on corporate sustainability legislation would knowingly fail people and our planet: press commentRead
PressJan 29, 2024Council proposes weak EU involvement in inspecting cases of forced labour in third countries ahead of trilogue phaseRead