
A threat to people and planet: The need for the Transform Bottom Trawling coalition: Bottom trawling poses a threat to our climate, marine ecosystems, and the coastal communities that depend on them. EJF has joined forces with the global coalition, Transform Bottom Trawling, to take action on this destructive practice.

Legal analysis on the margin of tolerance in the European Union fisheries regime: A legal analysis by Tullio Scovazzi of the legality of the proposed changes by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) to the margin of tolerance.

A case study of the margin of tolerance in the Baltic Sea: Effective fisheries management cannot be achieved without robust catch data. Science indicates misreporting of herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea catches persists, threatening sustainable management of these fisheries.

環境正義基金會致台灣政府氣候政策報告: 如果可以展現完善的氣候治理應如何被落實,台灣就可以在對氣候變遷採取行動的國際社會之中,確立不可動搖的領導地位。

EJF’s Climate Policy Briefing for the Taiwanese Government: If Taiwan can demonstrate how good climate governance should be carried out, it would establish a leading position in the global community of nations that are taking action on climate change.

The EU forced labour products ban: how to ensure effective enforcement: Current EU rules do not serve to protect the victims of forced labour or to stop the products it generates from reaching the EU market. This briefing draws lessons from the creation and implementation of the EU regulation to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing (EU IUU Regulation) to make recommendations on the design of an EU instrument enabling a forced labour products ban.

暴風雨中無處可躲:氣候難民迫切需要被承認和保護: 對因氣候危機而被迫離開家園的人們而言,目前的法律保護零散且不符合其需求。這份報告檢視了氣候難民相關的國際框架,並發現不僅定義含糊不清,保護措施也不一致。

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Des filets toujours plus large : cartographier l’ampleur, la nature et les structures d'entreprise de la pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée pratiquée par la flotte de pêche hauturière chinoise: Ce rapport présente une analyse de l'empreinte de la Chine dans le domaine de la pêche qui est à la fois vaste, opaque et parfois illégale, dans le but d'amener les décideurs, en Chine et dans le monde, à apporter des réponses appropriées et efficaces.

EJF 정책 브리핑: 동 브리핑은 우리나라 국내 어업내 투명성, 추적성 및 외국인 어선원 인권을 보호하는 정책을 수립하고 이행하는 데 있어 도움이 될 수 있는EJF의 정책 제안을 담고 있습니다.

EJF policy briefing prepared for the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries: This overview presents recommendations for the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) that will help the Republic of Korea to devise and implement policies ensuring transparency, traceability, and protection of crews’ human rights in the fisheries industry.