Joint open letter on the preservation of fisheries regulations and reforms in order to prevent illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: The National Fisheries Association of Thailand is seeking to abolish several critical fisheries enforcement regulations that are essential in Thailand’s fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and associated human rights abuse on fishing vessels. This open letter to the Thai Prime Minister, signed by 37 organisations, calls on the Royal Thai Government, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Department of Fisheries, and Ministry of Labour to reject these demands and instead ensure the preservation and elevation of internationally recognised best practices in both fisheries and labour regulations.
Blood and Water: Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der weltweiten Fischereiindustrie: Menschenrechtsverletzungen sind in der Fischereiindustrie nach wie vor weit verbreitet. Unser Bericht belegt Fälle von Sklaverei und Schuldknechtschaft, unsäglichen Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen an Bord sowie physische und sexueller Gewalt und Mord auf Fischereischiffen. Die Fallstudien betreffen Schiffe aus insgesamt 13 Ländern, die auf drei verschiedenen Ozeanen operierten.
Out of the shadows: Improving transparency in global fisheries to stop illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing - Taiwanese version: This report lays out the ‘ten principles for global transparency in the fishing industry’. These simple, low-cost measures – which include publishing license lists and giving vessels unique numbers – are well within the reach of any country and can play a pivotal role in the battle against illegal fishing and human rights abuse in the sector.
Thailand’s Progress in Combatting IUU, Forced Labour & Human Trafficking: EJF Observations and Recommendations: Since February 2016, EJF has observed improvements in inspection procedures, adoption of a risk-based approach to vessel inspections, and the proliferation of translators at PIPO centres. This briefing presents the issues that remain and recommendations to address them.
An EJF briefing prepared for Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan of the Royal Thai Government: Enabled by political commitment at senior levels, the Royal Thai Government has introduced a new legislative framework and regulations for fisheries, established technology-assisted monitoring and inspection regimes and has further signed up to the first of several key international instruments that are required in the fight against IUU and human trafficking. While the Thai reform path has been positive, gaps and shortcomings persist. EJF is encouraged by the proposed measures to address IUU as discussed at the Royal Thai embassy in London in July, but additional, structural measures are absolutely crucial if the reforms are to be effective, successful and entrenched in the long-term.
An EJF briefing prepared for the Royal Thai Government: EJF is encouraged by the reforms made in Thailand to date, however we have documented continuing gaps and shortcomings that are inhibiting Thailand’s fishing industry from developing into a truly ethical and sustainable sector. In order to achieve this goal - mutually shared by the RTG and EJF - there are several substantive structural steps that must now be taken to ensure the positive progress made so far can be sustained into the future.
An EJF policy briefing prepared for the Royal Thai Government: The Royal Thai Government has continued to make progress in addressing illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and associated human rights abuses. EJF staff are also now actively engaging with numerous government agencies and special inspection teams across the country.
Ratgeber zur Risikoprüfung von Fischereilieferketten: Unser Ratgeber hilft Einzelhändlern und Unternehmen dabei, ihre Lieferketten frei von Produkten aus illegaler Fischerei zu halten. Er wurde gemeinsam mit WWF Deutschland und dem Waren-Verein der Hamburger Börse e. V. entwickelt und listet konkrete Maßnahmen, um die Risiken durch illegalen Fang einzuschätzen und abzumindern. Aktiv angewendet kann er die Maßnahmen von Unternehmen zum nachhaltigen Fischeinkauf praxisnah und kosteneffektiv stärken.