
Joint Civil Society Statement concerning Ratification of the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188): This statement was issued by 30 NGOs urging the Thai government to stand strong in eliminating human rights abuses in its fisheries.

Roundtable to discuss the international guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure and the relevance for Ghana’s fisheries sector: This report summarises the discussions in Ghana led by the Environmental Justice Foundation, Hen Mpoano and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation on the implementation of new international guidelines on tenure rights to protect the country's fisheries sector.

Beyond Borders: Our changing climate – its role in conflict and displacement: This report looks at the impact of climate change on food production and security, and the ways in which people are driven from their homes and lands by slow-onset weather events.

Joint communiqué from the Ghana National Canoe Fishermen Council and National Fish Processors and Traders Association: In this communiqué ​Ghana’s small-scale fishers, fish traders and processors make their priorities clear as the country’s fisheries laws are reformed. EJF supports the recommendations as essential steps to rescue Ghana’s struggling fisheries.​

The problem with 'saiko', an ecological and human catastrophe: This briefing looks at the problem of 'saiko', an illegal and destructive form of industrial fishing which is threatening Ghana's fisheries

Principles of good governance for securing equitable and sustainable fisheries: This briefing provides an overview of global guidelines on tenure rights and how they can address key challenges facing Ghana’s fisheries sector, for the benefit of a more equitable and sustainable fishing industry.

EJF view on the Global Compact on Migration: Although the new international agreement on migration is a step forward, it cannot replace the legally binding agreement to protect climate refugees EJF is calling for.

Human trafficking in Taiwan's fisheries sector: This briefing details the structural shortcomings in Taiwan's management of its deep water fishing fleet that allow human trafficking and human rights abuses to persist.

Highlights: The Impact of the IUU Regulation on Seafood Trade Flows: Identification of intra-EU shifts in import trends related to the catch certification scheme and third country carding process

The Impact of the IUU Regulation on Seafood Trade Flows: Identification of intra-EU shifts in import trends related to the catch certification scheme and third country carding process

Far Dwuma Nkodo Project Update January to June 2018: Welcome to our 2018 half-year newsletter, which provides an update on progress under the project and our upcoming work.

An Advisory Note for the UK Supply Chain on How to Avoid Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishery Products (engl. Version):