Blood and Water: Human rights abuse in the global seafood industry: This report shows that human rights abuse is rife in the fishing industry - detailing cases of slavery, debt bondage, insufficient food and water, filthy living conditions, physical and sexual assault and even murder aboard fishing vessels from 13 countries operating across three oceans.
10 หลักการเพื่อความโปร่งใสในอุตสาหกรรมประมงและอาหารทะเลทั่วโลก - ฉบับภาษาไทย Ten principles of transparency: ความโปร่งใสเป็นเครื่องมือที่ดีที่สุดในการต่อสู้กับปัญหาการทำประมงผิดกฎหมายและการละเมิดสิทธิมนุษยชนในอุตสาหกรรมอาหารทะเล ด้วยเหตุนี้ มูลนิธิความยุติธรรมเชิงสิ่งแวดล้อม (EJF) จึงได้จัดทำหลักการด้านความโปร่งใส 10 ข้อ เพื่อแนวทางในการปฎิบัติให้แก่นานาประเทศ
Positionspapier | Aktive Klimapolitik zum Schutz der Menschenrechte: Industrienationen sind in der Verantwortung die Wahrung der Menschenrechte in Anbetracht der Klimakrise in den Vordergrund zu rücken. Da Deutschland ein einflussreiches Mitglied in der Europäischen Union (EU) und innerhalb den Vereinten Nationen (UN) ist, fordert EJF mit diesem Positionspapier die Bundesregierung auf, eine Vorreiterrolle im Kampf gegen die Klimakrise einzunehmen und Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um all jene zu schützen, die heute schon unter den Folgen der Klimakrise leiden.
Fish in disguise: Seafood fraud in Korea: A year-long DNA test by EJF found that one out of three seafood samples in South Korea were wrongly labelled. This report provides a breakdown of the species most commonly mislabelled, illustrates the costs to people and the marine environment, and makes urgent recommendations for improving transparency in the Korean seafood system.
Fish in disguise: Seafood fraud in Korea (Korean version): 가짜 생선 : 수산물 둔갑, 실태와 해결책 A year-long DNA test by EJF found that one out of three seafood samples in South Korea were wrongly labelled. This report provides a breakdown of the species most commonly mislabelled, illustrates the costs to people and the marine environment, and makes urgent recommendations for improving transparency in the Korean seafood system.
Climate action to secure human rights worldwide: A position paper for the German political landscape: Germany is in a unique position to become a global leader on climate. On joining the UN Security Council this year, and assuming presidency of the EU in 2020, the country must propel climate change mitigation and facilitate an international agreement to protect the rights of climate refugees. EJF's briefing explains why Germany must rise to the challenge.
Gender Analysis: Ghana's Artisanal Fisheries 2019: Women play a vital part in Ghana's fisheries, yet have little say against the illegal fishing methods that are damaging their livelihoods. This gender report, co-authored by Hen Mpoano and EJF, provides a close look at the gender dynamics of the fisheries sector, and makes specific recommendations to strengthen women's voices.
Working Conditions on Fishing Vessels in West Africa: A case study of abandoned crew in Las Palmas: Isabel's 12 crew from several West African countries were stranded in the Spanish port of Las Palmas where the vessel was detained by Spanish authorities for a number of safety and administrative infractions. The crew were forced to live on board the boat for five months with inadequate food and accommodation.
Rights at risk: Arctic climate change and the threat to Sami culture: The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. This is putting its unique ecosystem at risk, and with it the existence of Europe’s only recognised indigenous people, the Sami, who have lived in the Arctic for millennia. The Sami have a clear message for decision makers, from the front lines of climate change: now is the time to act.
Out of the shadows: Korean Version: This report lays out the ‘ten principles for global transparency in the fishing industry’. These simple, low-cost measures – which include publishing license lists and giving vessels unique numbers – are well within the reach of any country and can play a pivotal role in the battle against illegal fishing and human rights abuse in the sector.
Securing equitable and sustainable fisheries: The case for greater transparency in the management and governance of Ghana’s fisheries sector: Transparency must be improved to eradicate illegal fishing and prevent the collapse of Ghana’s fishing industry, says this new report from the Far Dwuma Nkɔdo project, which lays out key measures that can be implemented immediately by the government.
Far Dwuma Nkodo project update: July – December 2018: The Far Dwuma Nkɔdo project is implemented by EJF and Hen Mpoano, with funding from the EU. The project aims to secure greater environmental sustainability and social equity in Ghana’s fisheries sector, by supporting efforts to reduce illegal fishing and building the capacity of fishing communities in the sustainable management of their resource.