Briefing: China’s hidden fleet in West Africa - a spotlight on illegal practices within Ghana’s industrial trawl sector: Around 90% of Ghana’s industrial fishing fleet is linked to Chinese ownership, despite the fact that Ghana’s laws clearly forbid any foreign ownership or control of vessels flying its flag. The Chinese and Ghanaian governments must now work together to eradicate the illegal fishing practices.
China’s hidden fleet in West Africa: a spotlight on illegal practices within Ghana’s industrial trawl sector: Around 90% of Ghana’s industrial fishing fleet is linked to Chinese ownership, despite the fact that Ghana’s laws clearly forbid any foreign ownership or control of vessels flying its flag. The Chinese and Ghanaian governments must now work together to eradicate the illegal fishing practices.
Joint Civil Society Statement concerning Implementation of the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention - English: The Royal Thai Government (RTG) is aiming to bring Thai legislation in line with international standards. The coalition applauds the RTG for this progress but reiterate much more still needs to be done.
Joint Civil Society Statement concerning Implementation of the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention - Thai: The Royal Thai Government (RTG) is aiming to bring Thai legislation in line with international standards. The coalition applauds the RTG for this progress but reiterate much more still needs to be done.
EJF Positionspapier zum Nationalen Aktionsplan Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte in Deutschland: Das Positionspapier unterstützt Deutschlands Bemühungen zur Umsetzung des Nationalen Aktionsplan Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte. Es betont die Notwendigkeit zur Berücksichtigung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der globalen Fischereiindustrie.
Roundtable to discuss the international guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure and the relevance for Ghana’s fisheries sector: This report summarises the discussions in Ghana led by the Environmental Justice Foundation, Hen Mpoano and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation on the implementation of new international guidelines on tenure rights to protect the country's fisheries sector.
Joint communiqué from the Ghana National Canoe Fishermen Council and National Fish Processors and Traders Association: In this communiqué Ghana’s small-scale fishers, fish traders and processors make their priorities clear as the country’s fisheries laws are reformed. EJF supports the recommendations as essential steps to rescue Ghana’s struggling fisheries.