
An Advisory Note for the UK Supply Chain on How to Avoid Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishery Products: EJF looks to inform UK retailers and brands of the risks associated with illegal fishing.

Falling Through The Cracks: A briefing on climate change, displacement and international governance frameworks: An overview of the legal and policy frameworks governing climate-induced displacement at the international level.

The Gathering Storm: Climate Change, Security and Conflict: The Gathering Storm: Climate Change, Security and Conflict collates evidence from around the world to show how climate change is acting as a catalyst for conflict and instability.

Slavery at Sea: The Continued Plight of Trafficked Migrants in Thailand's Fishing Industry: The report reveals new evidence of human trafficking and the use of violence in the Thai fishing industry.

Impossibly Cheap: Abuse and Injustice in Bangladesh’s Shrimp Industry: The report documents examples of hazardous working conditions, the use of child labour, withholding of pay, health and safety violations, restricted union activities, verbal abuse and excessive hours.

The Hidden Cost: Human Rights Abuses in Thailand's Shrimp Industry: The report documents accounts of human trafficking into the Thai shrimp industry, confiscation of identification documents, withholding of pay, forced detention and bonded labour.

Bringing Fishing Vessels out of the Shadows: EJF is taking action to highlight the urgent need for a Global Record of fishing vessels and the use of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) number as a Unique Vessel Identifier (UVI).

Keeping Illegal Fish out of Europe: Ensuring Success for the IUU Regulation: The IUU Regulation seeks to prevent illegally caught fish from reaching European markets.

Sold to the Sea: Human Trafficking in Thailand's Fishing Industry: Sold to the Sea exposes human trafficking, labour and human rights abuses in Thailand's fishing industry.

Poison Pesticides: The Urgent Need to Protect Our Pollinators: This report outlines the issues surrounding the dramatic decline in bee populations around the UK and the role neonicotinoid pesticides are thought to play in it.

Transhipment at Sea: Briefing: In the briefing, EJF sets out the case for a ban on transhipment of fish at sea in West Africa as well as a ban on the entry of seafood from such transhipments into the European market.

A Nation Under Threat: The impacts of climate change on human rights and forced migration in Bangladesh: The report explores how climate change has become one of the major challenges to the enjoyment of the basic rights to life, food, health, water, housing and self-determination in one of the World's most climate vulnerable countries.