
EJF Consumer Guide to Prawns: Every time you are faced with purchasing shrimp, consider how much you know about its production. Can you be sure it didn't cause environmental degradation or lead to human rights abuses?

Pirate Fishing Exposed: EJF's latest report exposes the continued role of the EU and East Asian countries in facilitating a market for seafood illegally caught in West Africa.

The True Costs of Cotton: Cotton Production and Water Insecurity: The report highlights the massive mismanagement and abuse of fresh water resources in cotton production, with a special focus on Central Asia and Uzbekistan in particular.

Securing Recognition, Protection and Assistance for Climate Refugees: An EJF briefing outlining the legal void facing environmentally-induced displacees with recommendations for action for national governments and individuals.

The Governance of Artisanal Fisheries in the Sherbro River Area of Sierra Leone: This report sets out the historic and existing governance arrangements for artisanal fishing in the Sherbro River Estuary, where fishing is vital to the livelihoods and food security of local communities.

Briefing: Through the Net: Implementation of the EU Regulation to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate IUU Fishing.

Liberian Fishing Communities: Problems and Solutions: In 2012 EJF began working in Liberia with local partner the Society for the Conservation of Nature in Liberia (SCNL). Objectives in the area of fisheries include preventing Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, safeguarding the food security of coastal communities, protecting legitimate fishers and marine biodiversity.

Fisheries and Food Security in the Commonwealth: EJF has identified numerous instances of damaging Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in the waters of Commonwealth countries.

Climate change and migration: Forced displacement, ‘climate refugees’ and the need for a new legal instrument: Climate change has a range of implications for human rights.

White Gold: Uzbekistan, a Slave Nation for Our Cotton?: The report summarises information provided by independent journalists and human rights activists on the conditions under which the Uzbek cotton industry operates.

Slave Nation: This report reveals how the Government of Uzbekistan continues to lie to the international community while routinely compelling hundreds of thousands of children as labourers in the country’s annual cotton harvest.

Lowering the Flag: This report from 2010 investigates the use of flags of convenience by pirate fishing vessels and advocates for the end of this widespread practice that is 'the scourge of today's maritime world'.