End Of The Road For Endosulfan:
Pushing for a global ban on a deadly pesticide: Endosulfan.
The Deadly Chemicals in Cotton:
A report exposing the human health and environmental cost of pesticide use in global cotton production.
The Children Behind Our Cotton:
This report details the shocking conditions endured by more than an estimated one million children who work 12-hour days in extremes of hot and cold weather, many suffering physical, verbal and sometimes sexual abuse.
When fishing turns deadly:
Briefing researched, written and published by the Indonesian organisation JALA (in cooperation with EJF) - the Advocacy Network for North Sumatra Fisherfolk, documenting the social and environmental impacts of illegal trawling in North Sumatra.
Illegal Driftnetting in the Mediterranean:
This report documents how driftnets, although banned by both the EU and the ICCAT, continue to be used illegally across the region to catch valuable large species, mainly swordfish and tuna.
Pirate Fish on Your Plate:
This report report from 2007 documents the link between IUU fishing and the EU through tracking illegally-caught fish from West Africa into the European market.
EJF Uzbekistan UNCRC Submission:
Alternative report for the 42nd Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Party to the Plunder:
This report, produced by EJF in partnership with CFFA (Coalition for Fair Fisheries Agreement), documents the devastating impacts of illegal fishing in Guinea and its links to the EU market.
Mangroves: Nature's Defence Against Tsunamis:
A report on the impact of mangrove loss and shrimp farm development on coastal defence.
White Gold: The True Cost of Cotton:
EJF's groundbreaking report on forced child labour and the mismanagement of water resources in Uzbekistan's cotton production.
Pirates & Profiteers:
''Pirates & Profiteers - How pirate fishing fleets are robbing people and oceans'' explores the global nature of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
What's the Catch?:
In 2003, EJF began an international campaign on bycatch reduction. This campaign grew from extensive research on the wider ecosystem effects of tropical shrimp trawl fisheries.