
At what cost? How Ghana is losing out in fishing arrangements with China’s distant water fleet: summary: This is a summary of EJF's "At what cost?" report, detailing Ghana's loss of revenue due to the use of opaque corporate structures by China's distant water fishing fleet.

At what cost? How Ghana is losing out in fishing arrangements with China’s distant water fleet: A lack of transparency allowing Chinese fishing trawlers to hide their ownership means Ghana is missing out on between 14.4-23.7 million US dollars every year in licence fees and fines.

EJF briefing in response to planned EU Parliament vote on Sustainable Corporate Governance report 2020/2137(INI): EJF urges the EU Parliament to vote 'YES' on the Legal Affairs' Committee report on Sustainable Corporate Governance and take a leadership role in preventing human rights and environmental abuses in EU value chains.

Nesting Turtle Monitoring: Field Guidelines For EJF Staff and Patrol Teams: This field guide provides directions for EJF staff and patrol teams on how to identify and monitor nesting sea turtles.

Traditional tenure rights in the clam fishery of the Volta estuary: This report examines traditional management and tenure arrangements in the clam fishery of the Volta river estuary and provides recommendations for ensuring the sustainability of the clam fishery, which is critical for local livelihoods and food security.

Far Dwuma Nkɔdo project update: January to June 2020: This is the Far Dwuma Nkɔdo newsletter for January to June 2020, which provides updates on progress under the project and our upcoming work.

Open letter to world leaders: Put marine ecosystems at the heart of climate policy: We call on national governments to recognise the critical importance of our ocean and blue carbon in the fight against the climate emergency.

Far Dwuma Nkɔdo project update: July to December 2019: This newsletter for July to December 2019 provides updates on progress under the Far Dwuma Nkɔdo project, as well as upcoming work.

Stakeholder and Network Analysis within the context of Traditional Governance and Tenurial Rights in the Artisanal Fisheries Sector in the Central Region of Ghana: This report identifies stakeholders of the artisanal fishery in Ghana, conducts a network analysis of these stakeholders and provides recommendations on how these networks could be harnessed for the development of the artisanal fishery in the region.

Paradise lost? Protecting the Pantanal, a precious ecosystem in crisis: The Pantanal is the largest tropical wetland in the world, and as well as hosting a unique array of wildlife it is an important carbon store, helping to regulate global climate. It is under imminent threat of destruction: the briefing lays out how progressive policy from the EU could help.

Moral fibre: The cool option for a heating planet: This report reveals the significant role our clothes play in global heating, and examines organic cotton as a key part of the solution.

Cetacean slaughter, shark finning and human rights abuse in Taiwan’s fishing fleet: This report reveals dolphins are being deliberately targeted by Taiwanese fishing vessels to use as bait to catch sharks, a practice that often goes alongside mistreatment of crew.