EJF policy briefing prepared for the Royal Thai Government: It has now been over three years since the European Commission removed the yellow card issued to Thailand - a warning that had been in place since April 2015. Since January 2019, Thailand has gone through several crucial periods of transition, leadership and hardship including; a general election, the hosting of the ASEAN summit and a global pandemic. Throughout these opportunities and challenges the Royal Thai Government (RTG) has continued to demonstrate great resolve and resilience in addressing illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing as well as associated forced labour and human trafficking in the sector. This briefing provides detailed analysis for each of these areas as well as recommendations for how the RTG could take steps to address current gaps.
Ocean action is climate action: A secure biodiverse ocean is key for climate mitigation and the protection of coastal communities: This policy briefing by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Oceana lists actions the German G7 Presidency should take to achieve a 30x30 ocean protection plan which safeguards biodiversity, advances the goals of the Paris Agreement and protects the human rights of coastal communities.
The ever-widening net: Mapping the scale, nature and corporate structures of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing by the Chinese distant-water fleet: This report presents a comprehensive analysis of China’s vast, opaque and, at times illegal global fisheries footprint, with the specific aim of informing appropriate and effective responses by fisheries decision-makers in China and globally.
Driving Improvements in Fisheries Governance Globally: Impact of the EU IUU Carding Scheme on Belize, Guinea, Solomon Islands and Thailand: The European Union's IUU Regulation is designed to prevent and stop the flow of illegally caught fish from entering the EU market. This report highlights instances where this EU carding scheme has prompted positive changes in fisheries governance.
Net Free Seas Progress Report 2020-21: The Net Free Seas Progress Report summarises achievements, challenges, and lessons learned from the implementation of the Net Free Seas project between 2020-2021. So far, the project has worked with over 100 artisanal fishing communities across Thailand to collect and recycle 35 tonnes of discarded fishing nets. รายงานความคืบหน้าของโครงการทะเลปลอด (เศษ) อวน (Net Free Seas) ปี 2563 - 2564 รวมสรุปการดำเนินงาน ความสำเร็จ ความท้าทาย และการถอดบทเรียนของโครงการ โดยในปัจจุบันโครงการได้ร่วมงานกับชุมชนประมงพื้นบ้านกว่า 100 ชุมชนในประเทศไทย จัดเก็บและรีไซเคิลเศษอวนประมงไปกว่า 35 ตัน
Co-management: a tool for delivering legal, inclusive, and sustainable fisheries in Liberia: Small-scale fisheries in Liberia play a critical role in food security and the national economy. This policy briefing explains how co-management can make an important contribution to the sustainable management of these fisheries.
Lessons learnt from the IUU fishing Regulation for an ambitious corporate governance legislation: The EU Commission's Directorate-General for Justice, Consumer Rights and Gender Equality will soon set rules for companies to protect human rights and our natural environment. In this letter on sustainable business legislation, Oceana Europe and the Environmental Justice Foundation address EU Commissioner Didier Reynders and propose to apply the benefits of the EU regulation against illegal fishing to the SCG framework.
A race to the top: Lessons learnt from the EU’s law on illegal fishing to secure an EU framework to lead global sustainable corporate governance: In 2022, the European Commission intends to release its legislative proposal for a Sustainable Corporate Governance Directive on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence. The Environmental Justice Foundation, Oceana, The Nature Conservancy and WWF strongly encourage the EU to deliver a robust and world-leading Sustainable Corporate Governance framework, outlining their recommendations in this report informed by the lessons learnt from the EU’s law on illegal fishing.
Recommendations for the reform of Ghana’s Inshore Exclusion Zone (IEZ) reserved for small-scale fishing activities: There is an urgent need to improve the management of Ghana’s marine fisheries to reverse declines in landings and secure the livelihoods of small-scale fishers. This paper sets out the case for an extension of the zone reserved for small-scale fishers in Ghana to protect local livelihoods.
Improving transparency and accountability in the governance of Ghana’s fisheries sector - Meeting report: This roundtable discussed the role of transparency and accountability as pillars of good governance of natural resources, identified challenges in the fisheries sector, and mapped a way forward.
Opening up Environmentally Sustainable, Climate- Resilient Livelihood Opportunities for Artisanal Fishing Communities in Ghana - Workshop report: The aim of the workshop was to examine previous and ongoing livelihood projects with a view to exchanging experiences, lessons learned and best practices to inform the design of future livelihood programmes for fishing communities in Ghana, with a specific focus on small-scale agriculture.
Assessment of Ghana’s fisheries laws for alignment with the voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure and sustainable small-scale fisheries: This report identifies how the key principles of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure, and the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small-Scale Fisheries can be implemented, and provides concrete recommendations for the revision of Ghana’s 2002 Fisheries Act.