
Enabling action in cases of systemic forced labour: As part of the setting up of an EU framework to combat forced labour, EuropĂȘche and the Environmental Justice Foundation - having a joint objective of securing sustainable and human rights abuse free fisheries - encourage Members of the European Parliament to enable the EU to take measures in cases where forced labour practices are systemic.

Investigative journalism training manual: EJF and TEMPO Institute intend for this manual to share good or best practice methodologies and techniques for conducting field-based investigations into environmental crimes in Indonesia, as well as to inspire the next generation of young journalists to take an interest in documenting and reporting on environmental issues.

Taking stock: documenting the effectiveness of co-management practice in Liberia: This report uses the experiences of the Grand Cape Mount County Collaborative Management Association to present the challenges, achievements, and lessons learned from practising co-management in Liberia.

High and dry: a policy briefing on the future of Thai fisheries: This briefing outlines the significant progress made in Thailand in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and human rights abuses at sea. It provides recommendations for future Thai governments to secure this progress and ensure Thailand's fishing industry is sustainable and competitive.

Statement to the Council of the International Seabed Authority on the 28th Session 10 – 28 July 2023: The Environmental Justice Foundation urges the Council and the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority to take action to prevent irreversible harm to the world’s ocean.

Urgent request for the prioritisation of EU Regulation to combat forced labour: Legislation is key to ensuring EU consumers and businesses do not take part in, and help prevent, the exploitation of human rights. It is therefore concerning that progress on the Forced Labour Regulation in the Council of the EU has been limited.

Urgent request for the prioritisation of EU Regulation to combat forced labour: Legislation is key to ensuring EU consumers and businesses do not take part in, and help prevent, the exploitation of human rights. It is therefore concerning that progress on the Forced Labour Regulation in the Council of the EU has been limited.

Critical Raw Materials Regulation: Opening the EU door to materials exploited from the deep sea?: The Critical Raw Materials Regulation must not inadvertently or by design open the door to commercial deep-sea mining. Consistent with the precautionary principle, this new EU law should prevent the extraction, processing and import of critical raw materials exploited from the deep sea, unless the available scientific evidence establishes that deep-sea mining does not risk harming biodiversity and marine ecosystems or disrupting the oceanic carbon cycle.

Coal-powered crisis: The cost of Germany’s energy U-turn: This briefing analyses Germany's recent increased reliance on coal, and what consequences this has for meeting the country's legally binding climate commitments. It focuses on the coal phase-out and the energy transition in Germany, making recommendations for the German Federal Government to phase out coal-fired power generation by 2030.

Forced Labour Regulation: a 'carding' system: This briefing highlights the benefits of introducing a 'carding system' to the proposed Forced Labour Regulation to prohibit products made with forced labour on the EU market, inspired by the successes of the EU's Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing Regulation.

The perils of deep-sea mining: A briefing for financial institutions: Investing in deep-sea mining should be seen as extremely high-risk given threats to biodiversity, unpredictable demand, unproven technology, the risk of litigation and reputational risk.

The Broken Barrier: How illegal fishing and human rights abuses in Korea’s fisheries imports go undetected: A rise in seafood imports and a lack of supply chain safeguards is allowing the products of illegal fishing to enter the Korean market. The Korean government must improve transparency and traceability measures to ensure consumers are not driving environmentally destructive fishing and human rights abuses at sea.