
Special Representative for Climate Change and Biodiversity letter to the UK Government: The UK Special Representative for Climate Change role will be critical to enhance the UK’s engagement at the highest levels of international climate negotiations and will undoubtedly give positive visibility to Labour’s ambition to accelerate climate action. However, we believe biodiversity protection must also be recognised within the role’s title and remit.

South American civil society organisations to Leaders of the European Parliament: Please help save the Pantanal from unprecedented fires: We, the undersigned civil society organizations from Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, write to ask for your help to save and restore the world’s largest tropical wetland, the Pantanal, which faces unprecedented fires.

Nature's Unsung Heroes: Why Wetlands Matter: Wetlands play a disproportionately large role in supporting biodiversity, maintaining human health and stabilising our global climate. Despite this, the rate of wetland loss far outpaces other biomes, making them one of our planet's most threatened ecosystems. We must reverse this now.

Championing the change: Priorities for the next European Commission and European Parliament (2024-2029): EJF’s recommendations highlight strategic priorities underrepresented in political discussions, envisioning the EU’s next term, from 2024 to 2029, as a period of intensified efforts to combat illegal fishing and strengthen wetland protection worldwide.

Un manifesto por nuestro océano: En este manifiesto, presentamos una hoja de ruta para proteger los océanos, proporcionando recomendaciones normativas claras para salvar nuestros mares y salvaguardar nuestro futuro.

Marea de injusticia : Explotación y pesca ilegal en embarcaciones chinas en el suroeste del océano Índico: El presente informe esboza un mapa de la presencia y las actividades de la flota de altura china en el Océano Índico Sudoccidental, una región conocida por su paisaje marino rico en biodiversidad, que constituye el sustento para las comunidades costeras de la zona. China mantiene desde hace tiempo vínculos económicos y políticos cada vez más estrechos con la región, y ha destacado la economía azul del Océano Índico Sudoccidental como una zona clave de inversión y asociación. A la luz de los riesgos asociados a la presencia de la flota de altura china –que hoy en día se conocen mejor– es necesario examinar dichas inversiones para garantizar que la economía azul del Océano Índico Sudoccidental sea legal, sostenible y equitativa.

Open letter: EU industry and NGOs call for sustained European Commission action to keep Thai fisheries safe, legal and sustainable: Despite increasing openness from Royal Thai Government agencies to engage in discussions on proposed fisheries legislation rollbacks, evidence of substantive action to remove the most worrying articles is still missing. NGOs and EU fisheries industry groups therefore encourage the European Commission to continue upholding legal, ethical and sustainable fisheries.

Evaluating fisheries transparency in six Southwest Indian Ocean nations: This report assesses fisheries transparency in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania. For each country, a summary of the findings is provided, along with recommendations for improvement.

Maré de injustiça: Exploração e pesca ilegal em embarcações chinesas no sudoeste do Oceano Índico: O relatório mapeia a presença e atividades da frota pesqueira chinesa no Sudoeste do Oceano Índico. As descobertas do relatório mostram que, embora sejam apresentadas em termos de ganha-ganha, desenvolvimento sustentável e benefícios coletivos da economia azul, as realidades a bordo de muitas embarcações na frota pesqueira chinesa contradizem diretamente esses objetivos declarados.

Une vague d'injustice : Exploitation et pêche illégale par les navires chinois dans le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien: Ce rapport cartographie la présence et les activités de la flotte chinoise de pêche lointaine dans le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien (« SOOI »), une région remarquable pour son paysage marin riche en biodiversité, qui constitue une ressource vitale pour les communautés côtières sur l’ensemble de ses rivages. Les conclusions du rapport montrent que, bien que les relations qu’entretient la Chine avec ses partenaires régionaux soient formulées en termes de « gagnant-gagnant », de développement durable et de bénéfices partagés de l’économie bleue, les réalités à bord de nombreux navires de la flotte chinoise de pêche lointaine sont en contradiction directe avec ces objectifs déclarés.

Joint statement: ASEAN leadership key to the success of global plastic treaty to end plastic pollution: Civil society organisations working to end plastic pollution in Southeast Asia and beyond call upon ASEAN member-states to cooperate and negotiate a just, effective global plastic treaty.

Joint Statement: Call on the European Parliament to adopt the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour products on the EU market: 76 undersigned civil society organisations, trade unions, investors, businesses, multi-stakeholders’ initiatives and industry bodies call on Members of the European Parliament to vote in favour of the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour products on the EU market in the upcoming Plenary session.