
The weakest link: how at-sea trans-shipment fuels illegal fishing and human rights abuses in global fisheries: Unmonitored at-sea trans-shipments allow vessels to operate in the shadows, engaging in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing as well as human rights abuses. Our report offers a set of reforms to facilitate the improved monitoring, control and surveillance of at-sea trans-shipments.

Net Free Seas Handbook - For artisanal fishing communities: This handbook provides important information for communities wanting to join the Net Free Seas program in Thailand.

一網打盡: 中國遠洋船隊涉及非法、未報告、未受管制的漁業活動之規模、性質與企業架構: 本報告以全方位的分析描繪出中國龐大、不透明、甚至有時是非法的全球性漁業足跡,旨在為中國和全世界的漁業決策者提供適用且有效的應對措施。

一网打尽: 中国远洋船队涉及非法、不报告和不受管制的渔业活动之规模、性质与企业结构: 本报告以综合的分析描绘出中国庞大、不透明、甚至有时是非法的全球性渔业足迹,旨在为中国和全世界的渔业决策者提供适用且有效的应对措施。

On the precipice: crime and corruption in Ghana's Chinese-owned trawler fleet: Fisheries that millions of Ghanaians depend on are at risk of collapse as a result of rampant illegal fishing and overfishing by Chinese-owned industrial trawlers, and a culture of corruption has allowed these crimes to go unpunished. This report explains the urgent action needed to reverse this decline.

A threat to people and planet: The need for the Transform Bottom Trawling coalition: Bottom trawling poses a threat to our climate, marine ecosystems, and the coastal communities that depend on them. EJF has joined forces with the global coalition, Transform Bottom Trawling, to take action on this destructive practice.

Legal analysis on the margin of tolerance in the European Union fisheries regime: A legal analysis by Tullio Scovazzi of the legality of the proposed changes by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) to the margin of tolerance.

A case study of the margin of tolerance in the Baltic Sea: Effective fisheries management cannot be achieved without robust catch data. Science indicates misreporting of herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea catches persists, threatening sustainable management of these fisheries.

環境正義基金會致台灣政府氣候政策報告: 如果可以展現完善的氣候治理應如何被落實,台灣就可以在對氣候變遷採取行動的國際社會之中,確立不可動搖的領導地位。

EJF’s Climate Policy Briefing for the Taiwanese Government: If Taiwan can demonstrate how good climate governance should be carried out, it would establish a leading position in the global community of nations that are taking action on climate change.

The EU forced labour products ban: how to ensure effective enforcement: Current EU rules do not serve to protect the victims of forced labour or to stop the products it generates from reaching the EU market. This briefing draws lessons from the creation and implementation of the EU regulation to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing (EU IUU Regulation) to make recommendations on the design of an EU instrument enabling a forced labour products ban.

Terms of reference: Climate film on Germany’s coal dependence: „Why the World Needs Germany to Exit Coal now“: a film on Germany’s coal dependence — with a focus on what the consequences are for the world of Germany’s coal ‘hunger’