In 2022, most of EJF's income came from private grant making (66%) and government funding (30%), with donations, sales and other income comprising the final 4%.
In generating this income, our fundraising aims for unparalleled cost-efficiencies. All the fundraising is initiated by members of the Leadership Team and SMT, who are personally responsible for most of the income. We build trusted relationships and demonstrate our expertise and impact to secure new and additional income from trusts and foundations, statutory funders and individuals who share our vision for environmental justice.
We will never accept any funding that would compromise our independence or integrity. We will never accept funding linked to fossil fuel, carbon intensive or other unsustainable, unethical industries.
We aim to encourage transparency and enhance public trust and confidence in our mission, work, impact and cost-effectiveness.
Our thanks
EJF is extremely grateful to all the private and statutory grantmakers, and individuals and businesses sharing our vision and providing such generous support to enable our work. These include:
Apple Europe, Arcadia Fund, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Dropbox Foundation, EuropeAid, Generation Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Humanity United, Levi Strauss Foundation, NDICI, Norad, Norwegian Retailers Environment
Fund, Oak Foundation, Oceans 5, Paul M. Angell Family Foundation, Pew Charitable Trust, Rufford Foundation, US State Department (Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs), Walton Family Foundation, Waterloo Foundation.
Our impact
Where your money goes