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PressJun 16, 2020Senegal acts to protect its fisheries: Will Ghana do the same?Read
PressJun 10, 2020Trawler re-arrested in Ghana for repeated illegal fishing crimes after refusing to pay fineRead
PressMay 27, 2020New trawlers arrive from China as Ghana’s fisheries teeter on brink of collapseRead
PressMay 22, 2020U-turn on Ghana's Fisheries Commission decision to allow tuna boats to use light fishingRead
PressMay 19, 2020New project collecting and recycling ghost gear in ThailandRead
PressMay 19, 2020โครงการ Net Free Seas: สร้างทะเลไทยปลอดเศษอวนด้วยมือชุมชนผ่านการรีไซเคิลRead
PressMay 05, 2020Four die on Chinese vessel allegedly fishing illegallyRead
PressMay 05, 2020中國漁船涉嫌非法捕魚及人權剝削,四名印尼籍漁工死於該漁船Read
PressApr 22, 2020New trawlers with history of illegal fishing threaten Senegalese fisheriesRead
PressApr 02, 2020Globally elusive ‘megamouth shark’ landed in LiberiaRead
PressApr 01, 2020危機帶來的新契機Read
PressMar 25, 2020Ghana’s law is clear: Saiko fishing is illegalRead