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PressOct 12, 2020Liberia protects small-scale fishers from Chinese super-trawler threatRead
PressSep 29, 2020To prevent the next pandemic ban commercial wildlife markets: new reportRead
PressSep 17, 2020การปฏิรูปอุตสาหกรรมประมงนั้นเป็นประโยชน์ที่แท้จริงต่อประเทศไทย บทความโดย สตีฟ เทรนท์ ผู้อำนวยการบริหาร มูลนิธิความยุติธรรมเชิงสิ่งแวดล้อม (EJF)Read
PressAug 25, 2020Liberia's Fisheries Authority NaFAA and EJF Collaborate to Support Sustainable FisheriesRead
PressAug 24, 2020Chinese-owned trawler in Ghana re-licensed despite illegal fishing and unpaid fineRead
PressAug 03, 2020Three illegal trawlers flee Sierra Leone to escape justiceRead
PressJul 22, 2020Widespread abuse and illegal fishing as Taiwan’s fleet remains out of controlRead
PressJul 20, 2020Warning to EU over imports from vessels fishing illegally in GhanaRead
PressJul 14, 2020Liberian fishing communities threatened by Chinese supertrawlersRead
PressJul 14, 2020Illegal saiko fishing continues openly in Ghana despite government assurancesRead
PressJul 06, 2020Chinese fishing corporations operating illegally in Ghana curbed by new laws: Legal analysisRead
PressJul 06, 2020Abuse of migrant workers and illegal fishing on Korean vessels exporting to the EURead