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PressFeb 07, 2024European Parliament responds to Norway's decision to open the Arctic to deep-sea mining by calling for a global moratorium on the industryRead
PressFeb 06, 2024Germany abstaining on corporate sustainability legislation would knowingly fail people and our planet: press commentRead
PressJan 29, 2024Council proposes weak EU involvement in inspecting cases of forced labour in third countries ahead of trilogue phaseRead
PressJan 09, 2024Norway's decision to move ahead with deep-sea mining is "an irrevocable black mark on Norway’s reputation as a responsible ocean state": press commentRead
PressJan 09, 2024Today, as Norway votes on moving forward with deep-mining, new report from EJF shows that deep-sea mining is not needed for clean energy transition: new researchRead
PressNov 22, 2023Mexico's commitment to a deep-sea mining moratorium is a truly seismic shiftRead
PressOct 18, 2023EU takes concrete action to combat forced labour in global fisheriesRead
PressOct 16, 2023Lead committees confirm their position on the Forced labour Regulation, yet fall short on addressing systemic forced labourRead
PressOct 16, 2023ภาคประชาสังคมเรียกร้องให้รัฐบาลไทยยุติการผ่อนปรนกฎระเบียบในอุตสาหกรรมประมงRead
PressOct 16, 2023Civil society urges Thai government to stop deregulation of the fisheries industryRead
PressOct 03, 2023Mediterranean countries not on track to protect the Mediterranean against illegal and unsustainable fishingRead
PressSep 28, 2023Métaux critiques pour la transition: la solution n'est pas la destruction des grands fonds mais l'économie circulaire et la sobriétéRead