
Wimbi la udhalimu: Unyonyaji na uvuvi haramu wa meli za China Kusini Magharibi mwa bahari ya Hindi: Ripoti hii inaangazia uwepo wa shughuli za uvuvi unaofanywa na vyombo vya majini vya China (DWF) katika eneo la Kusini-Magharibi ya Bahari ya Hindi yaani (SWIO), ukanda unaotambulika kwa utajiri mkubwa wa mazao ya bahari, ambao ni muhimu katika maisha ya jamii.

Tide of injustice: exploitation and illegal fishing on Chinese vessels in the Southwest Indian Ocean: This report maps the presence and activities of the Chinese DWF in the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO), a region notable for its biodiversity-rich seascape, which is a lifeline to coastal communities across its shores. The findings of the report show that while couched in terms of win-win, sustainable development and collective benefits from the blue economy, the realities on board many vessels in China’s DWF are in direct contradiction of these stated aims.

แถลงการณ์ตอบสมาคมการประมงแห่งประเทศไทย: สมาคมการประมงไทยแห่งประเทศไทยซึ่งเป็นกลุ่มผลประโยชน์ของผู้ประกอบการณ์เรือประมงพาณิชย์ไทยได้เผยแพร่ข้อเรียกร้องหลายประการเพื่อสนับสนุนการแก้ไขกฎหมายการประมงในประเทศไทย เอกสารนี้คือการตอบกลับโดยสรุปของเรา

EJF Statement in response to the National Fisheries Association of Thailand (NFAT): The National Association of Thai Fisheries, a lobby group for the Thai fishing industry, recently published several claims about the possible roll-back of fisheries legislation in Thailand. This document summarises our responses.

Joint Statement: Call on EU governments to support the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour products: 37 civil society organisations and trade unions from across Europe and beyond today call upon EU Member States to back the inter-institutional agreement reached earlier in March on the Regulation to prohibit products made from forced labour from entering the EU’s Single Market, ensuring new rules enter into force without delay.

Levelling the playing field: Assessing the impact of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) in Liberia’s coastal communities: Women play an integral role in Liberia’s small-scale fisheries (SSF). However, the contribution women make to the sector is threatened by challenges that undermine their livelihood opportunities and limit their active participation in fisheries decision-making processes. The Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) scheme seeks to address these challenges and increase women’s participation in the governance and management of Liberia’s SSF sector. This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the impact of these VSLAs in their respective communities over a period of one year

IUU 漁業および人権侵害が懸念されている魚介類の 日本市場への流入の可能性について – 日本政府への提言 –: EJFは、現行の制度について注意深い検証を行い、EU、タイ、韓国などを含む世界中の政府との協力経験や実地調査を 活かして、IUUシーフードを市場から排除するために、5つの主要な問題が緊急に解決されるべきだと結論づけました。こ れらの問題は、輸入管理の対象となる魚種が十分に網羅されていないこと、労働者の人権が考慮されていないこと、漁 業界全体の透明性が不足していること、輸入された魚介類が消費者に届くまでの追跡ができないこと、そして罰則が十 分でないことです。

Briefing to the Japanese government on concerns over seafood products associated with illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and human trafficking entering the Japanese market: This briefing follows careful reviews of the current seafood import control system in Japan. It identifies five major legislative loopholes that should be addressed urgently – these loopholes are insufficient coverage of species, negligence in considering human rights, a lack of transparency, an absence of traceability and insufficient penalties when infractions are detected.

Zhejiang Ocean Family Co Ltd and its fishy business: The Zhejiang Ocean Family Co., Ltd. (大洋世家(浙江)股份公司 / ZOF) is a leading fishery company in Chinese and global seafood supply chains. This investigation found that 12 vessels owned or chartered by ZOF or a ZOF subsidiary were systematically engaged in different forms of IUU fishing such as shark finning, intentionally killing cetaceans. Vessels were also implicated in a number of human rights abuses including physical abuse, salary deductions, human trafficking and forced labour.

Scourge of the seas: In Thailand, bottom trawling threatens livelihoods, food security and ocean ecosystems. This report examines the impact of a particularly destructive form of bottom trawling, known as pair trawling, and makes recommendations for reform.

Critical minerals and the green transition: do we need to mine the deep seas?: Proponents of deep-sea mining contend it is needed to fill a future gap in the supply of critical minerals required for the clean energy transition. This briefing explains why this argument is flawed.

Communities for Fisheries project update - July-December 2023: The EU-funded Communities for Fisheries project aims to create skilled, capable and effective community co-management associations (CMAs) to secure legal and sustainable fisheries in Liberia. This brief summarises the progress made under the project from July to December of 2023.