
Paradise lost? Protecting the Pantanal, a precious ecosystem in crisis: The Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland and home to rich biodiversity, Indigenous peoples and traditional communities. It is, however, quickly disappearing with the intensification of cattle ranching and monoculture farming, including soy plantations.

Coal-powered crisis: The cost of Germany’s energy U-turn: This briefing analyses Germany's recent increased reliance on coal, and what consequences this has for meeting the country's legally binding climate commitments. It focuses on the coal phase-out and the energy transition in Germany, making recommendations for the German Federal Government to phase out coal-fired power generation by 2030.

2021 년부터 적용된 원양 외국인 어선원 노동조건 이행방안, 이주어선원에 대한 인권 침해 대응 실패: 한국 원양어선 내 이주어선원에 대한 인권 침해적 관행은 만연해왔고, "원양 외국인 어선원 근로조건 이행방안" 시행 이후에도 이들의 기본적인 노동 여건은 보장되지 않았다. 이주 어선원들을 보호하기 위한 법 개정 및 제도적 개혁이 시급하다.

Korea’s Migrant Fishers Plan fails to end human rights abuses at sea: Measures to protect migrant fishers in the Korean distant water fishing fleet have failed to uphold their basic human rights. Forced labour and human trafficking remain prevalent. Urgent reform is needed to safeguard migrant fishers on Korean-owned and Korean-flagged vessels.

Forced Labour Regulation: a 'carding' system: This briefing highlights the benefits of introducing a 'carding system' to the proposed Forced Labour Regulation to prohibit products made with forced labour on the EU market, inspired by the successes of the EU's Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing Regulation.

10% total catch margin of tolerance for purse seine vessels applied to Indian ocean tuna: This briefing uses theoretical examples to show how applying the 'margin of tolerance' to the total catch of EU vessels could drive significant overfishing of tropical tuna.

The perils of deep-sea mining: A briefing for financial institutions: Investing in deep-sea mining should be seen as extremely high-risk given threats to biodiversity, unpredictable demand, unproven technology, the risk of litigation and reputational risk.

허물어진 장벽: 수입 수산물 이력 관리 실태, 문제점 및 개선 제언: 한국의 수산물 수입은 증가 추세에 있지만, 이를 감시 및 규제하는 보호 장치가 강력하지 않아 불법 어업과 관련성이 높은 수산물이 한국 시장에 유입되고 있는 실정이다. 한국 정부는 국민들이 본인도 모르게 환경 파괴적인 어업과 인권 침해를 지지하게 되는 상황을 방지하기 위해 수산물 공급망의 투명성과 추적성을 강화해야 할 것이다.

The Broken Barrier: How illegal fishing and human rights abuses in Korea’s fisheries imports go undetected: A rise in seafood imports and a lack of supply chain safeguards is allowing the products of illegal fishing to enter the Korean market. The Korean government must improve transparency and traceability measures to ensure consumers are not driving environmentally destructive fishing and human rights abuses at sea.

الصيد غير القانوني في قاع البحر الأبيض المتوسط: دراسة حالة الصّيد بشباك الجر "الكيس" في خليج قابس ، تونس: الالتزام بالقضاء على الصيد المحظور بالكيس وعمل خطة للقيام بذلك، بالتنسيق مع ولاية صفاقس والمعنيين بالمجتمع المدني والبحارة وتجار الأسماك، وتحديد موعد واضح لإنهاء تنفيذ تلك الخطة بنهاية العام 2024 نظرا لخطورة الموضوع.

Chalutage de fond illégal en Méditerranée : le cas de la « pêche au Kiss » dans le golfe de Gabès, Tunisie: Ce rapport examine l'impact d'une technique de chalutage de fond en eaux peu profondes dans la région du golfe de Gabès, en Tunisie.

Illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean: the case of 'kiss trawling' in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia: This policy brief summarises the impacts of a form of illegal bottom trawling, known locally as kiss trawling, in Tunisia, and makes recommendations on how to bring it to an end safely, fairly and sustainably.