The Broken Barrier: How illegal fishing and human rights abuses in Korea’s fisheries imports go undetected: A rise in seafood imports and a lack of supply chain safeguards is allowing the products of illegal fishing to enter the Korean market. The Korean government must improve transparency and traceability measures to ensure consumers are not driving environmentally destructive fishing and human rights abuses at sea.
Illegal bottom trawling in the Mediterranean: the case of 'kiss trawling' in the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia: This policy brief summarises the impacts of a form of illegal bottom trawling, known locally as kiss trawling, in Tunisia, and makes recommendations on how to bring it to an end safely, fairly and sustainably.
Kiss of death: How illegal bottom trawling threatens ecosystems and livelihoods in Tunisia: The Gulf of Gabès in Tunisia is exceptionally important, but its local traditions, economies and rich marine habitats are disappearing. A form of illegal bottom trawling known as kiss trawling is responsible - immediate action is needed to end it.
On the precipice: crime and corruption in Ghana's Chinese-owned trawler fleet: Fisheries that millions of Ghanaians depend on are at risk of collapse as a result of rampant illegal fishing and overfishing by Chinese-owned industrial trawlers, and a culture of corruption has allowed these crimes to go unpunished. This report explains the urgent action needed to reverse this decline.
A threat to people and planet: The need for the Transform Bottom Trawling coalition: Bottom trawling poses a threat to our climate, marine ecosystems, and the coastal communities that depend on them. EJF has joined forces with the global coalition, Transform Bottom Trawling, to take action on this destructive practice.