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Showing 81-117 result returned for "human trafficking"
News & Media
Nov 29, 2016Building Ocean Health: Sharing experience to move towards sustainable fisheries managementRead
News & Media
Nov 25, 2016How reforming labour laws could boost Thailand’s fight against illegal fishingRead
News & Media
Nov 24, 2016EJF welcomes ILO Convention 188 coming into force, calls on all nations to ratifyRead
News & Media
Oct 18, 2016EJF holds high level meetings with Thai DPM and other MinistriesRead
Campaign Stories
Oct 17, 2016Improving Transparency in fisheriesRead
News & Media
Aug 22, 2016Joint NGO Letter to President ObamaRead
News & Media
Aug 11, 2016Slavery in the seafood supply chain: what can we do about it? - EVENTRead
News & Media
Jun 30, 2016EJF profoundly concerned about US Department of State’s decision to upgrade Thailand to Tier 2 Watch List in the 2016 Trafficking in Persons ReportRead
News & Media
Jun 20, 2016EJF calls for Thailand to remain on Tier 3 in 2016 US Department of State Trafficking in Persons ReportRead
News & Media
Apr 12, 2016Thailand urged to take further steps to eradicate fishing pirates and slaveryRead
News & Media
Feb 09, 2016‘Still at sea’: The forgotten men forced to work aboard Thailand’s ‘pirate' fishing vesselsRead
News & Media
Nov 30, 2015Thailand's Seafood SlavesRead
News & Media
Nov 30, 2015In the mood for seafood: what is better than a prawn cocktail?Read
News & Media
Jul 28, 2015United States Department of State maintains Thailand's lowest possible ranking on its annual Trafficking in Persons ReportRead
News & Media
Apr 21, 2015EU warning to Thailand to tackle pirate fishing or risk trade sanctionsRead
News & Media
Mar 05, 2015EJF event in Brussels: Combating illegal pirate fishing and modern-day slavery in ThailandRead
News & Media
Feb 25, 2015Overfishing and pirate fishing perpetuate environmental degradation and modern-day slavery in ThailandRead
News & Media
Feb 17, 2015Insufficient action from Thailand on slavery may result in a second year on the lowest tier of the US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons ReportRead
News & Media
Jan 27, 2015Burmese father and son trafficked three times in ThailandRead
News & Media
Jan 15, 2015EJF and other rights groups urge Thai PM to end plan to send prisoners to seaRead
News & Media
Jan 15, 2015EJF presents updates on anti-slavery work at seafood ethics eventRead
News & Media
Oct 20, 2014The need for transparency and traceability in our seafood supply chainsRead
News & Media
Jul 20, 2014EJF welcomes Thailand downgrade in the US trafficking reportRead
News & Media
Jun 12, 2014Thailand stands alone in opposition to international efforts to tackle forced labourRead
News & Media
Jun 11, 2014Modern Slavery on Thai trawlers exposed by the GuardianRead
Mar 04, 2014Slavery at Sea: The Continued Plight of Trafficked Migrants in Thailand's Fishing IndustryRead
The report reveals new evidence of human trafficking and the use of violence in the Thai fishing industry and inaction on the part of the Government to identify and prosecute criminals, corrupt officials and unscrupulous business operators, or to enforce measures to regulate fishing fleets and recruitment practices.
The report and film detail testimonies of the 14 men rescued from a port in Kantang - first reported in Sold to the Sea - one year since their rescue. They also document the story of a 21 year old individual from Myanmar who was trafficked and forced to work on a Thai fishing boat in March 2013, before eventually escaping in December after 10 months of unpaid work aboard the boat. -
News & Media
Mar 04, 2014EJF releases report on the continued abuse of trafficked migrants in Thailand's fishing industryRead
Jan 16, 2014Impossibly Cheap: Abuse and Injustice in Bangladesh’s Shrimp IndustryRead
Featuring testimonies recorded during investigations in 2012, Impossibly Cheap: Abuse and Injustice in Bangladesh’s Shrimp Industry documents examples of hazardous working conditions, the use of child labour, bonded labour, withholding of pay, excessively low wages, health and safety violations, restricted union activities, verbal abuse and excessive hours.
Impossibly Cheap: Abuse and Injustice in Bangladesh’s Shrimp Industry follows EJF's The Hidden Cost report, published in September 2013, which documents accounts of human trafficking into the Thai shrimp industry, confiscation of identification documents, withholding of pay, forced detention and bonded labour.
News & Media
Jan 16, 2014EJF releases report into human rights and labour abuses in the Bangladesh shrimp industryRead
Nov 20, 2013Sold to the seaRead
Sold to the sea
Thailand's seafood exports are the third most valuable in the world, supplying markets in the US, Europe and Asia but far from the attention of consumers vulnerable migrants in search of a better future are being trafficked, exploited, abused and even murdered aboard Thai fishing vessels.
EJF is campaigning for the international community to develop a Global Record of fishing vessels to facilitate greater transparency and traceability in the seafood sector enabling better monitoring of fishing activities including the labour conditions of the world's fishing fleets.
Sep 26, 2013The Hidden Cost: Human Rights Abuses in Thailand's Shrimp IndustryRead
The report exposes the reliance of Thailand’s shrimp industry on migrant workers, many of whom are trafficked and face arduous journeys, and even armed robbery, before enduring abusive conditions in shrimp processing factories. During investigations carried out in October 2012 and March 2013, EJF gathered evidence of perilous human trafficking into Thailand, as well as serious labour and human rights violations in shrimp facilities.
The Hidden Cost: Human Rights Abuses in Thailand’s Shrimp Industry follows EJF’s Sold to the Sea report, published in May this year, which revealed evidence of human trafficking, labour abuse and the routine use of violence, including murder, in the Thai fishing industry.
News & Media
Sep 26, 2013EJF releases report into human rights abuses in Thailand’s shrimp industryRead
News & Media
Aug 09, 2013Key Suspect in EJF Human Trafficking Investigation ArrestedRead
News & Media
Jun 16, 2013Thailand retained on US human trafficking watchlist for 4th consecutive yearRead
News & Media
Jun 12, 2013EJF welcomes Spanish leadership in addressing human trafficking in fishingRead
May 29, 2013Sold to the Sea: Human Trafficking in Thailand's Fishing IndustryRead
The report exposes severe human rights abuses associated with human trafficking in Thailand's fishing industry and documents the testimonies of Burmese workers, as young as 16, who were forced onto fishing vessels for many months and subjected to arduous, often violent, working conditions without pay.
The report details testimonies of crew murdered at sea, and on shore, and the shocking figure from a 2009 survey by the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP) that found 59% of interviewed migrants trafficked aboard Thai fishing boats reported witnessing the murder of a fellow worker.