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PressOct 28, 2021New phone app helps Liberia’s canoe fishers fight illegal fishingRead
PressOct 26, 2021Fisherman dies trying to escape abuse aboard Chinese vessels fishing illegally in SomaliaRead
PressOct 19, 2021For Cop’s Sake! Skateboard Art x Climate Action at COP26Read
PressOct 15, 2021Climate refugees urgently need international legal protection: New reportRead
PressOct 11, 2021EU governments standing in the way of the fight to end secrecy around (over)fishing, say NGOsRead
PressOct 05, 2021Marginalised communities bear the brunt of climate crisis in USA: New reportRead
PressSep 14, 2021Due diligence toolkit freely available to help buyers of legal, ethical seafoodRead
PressAug 20, 2021奴隷労働・違法操業漁業による水産物の日本市場への混入の可能性Read
PressAug 17, 2021Human rights of Ghana’s coastal communities threatened by failure to tackle illegal fishing – new reportRead
PressAug 16, 2021人權剝削之外,再度被美國點名! 美國國家海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)首次將臺灣列入非法漁業清單Read
PressAug 13, 2021China and Taiwan named in US report against illegal fishing – EJF calls for greater transparencyRead
PressAug 06, 2021No more delays: EJF comment on IPCC Sixth Assessment ReportRead