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Oct 10, 2024EU Commission's Reply to NGOs' Concerns about DSMRead
The EU will continue to advocate for prohibiting deep-sea mining until these scientific gaps are properly filled
News & Media
Oct 10, 2024EU Commission reaffirms stance against deep-sea mining in favour of marine protectionRead
Oct 10, 2024Protecting our Oceans by Enforcing EU Nature LawsRead
Oct 10, 2024Mettre en œuvre le droit pour protéger nos océansRead
Sep 30, 2024Uncovered: China – Seafood SuperpowerRead
To stop imports from Chinese-owned seafood companies engaging in slavery and illegal, unreported & unregulated fishing, transparency and strict import control are critical. As the biggest seafood market in the world - importing over 60% of its consumption - the EU must block entry of all abuse-tainted products and profits.
News & Media
Sep 27, 2024Permettre aux communautés côtières de prendre le contrôle de leurs ressources marines : EJF lance une boîte à outils financée par l'UE pour une pêche durableRead
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Sep 26, 2024Empowering coastal communities to take control of their marine resources: EJF launches EU-funded toolkit for sustainable fisheriesRead
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Sep 25, 2024"This is about our future": European and Brazilian leaders call for wetland protection at the European ParliamentRead
Sep 24, 2024National fishers' organisations – EU-funded global toolkitRead
National fishers' organisations – EU-funded global toolkit
These associations can play a pivotal role in advocating for improved fisheries management, reducing IUU fishing, and sustainable coastal livelihoods, serving as a common voice that can highlight the plights of their constituents.
Sep 24, 2024Collaborative management associations – EU-funded global toolkitRead
Collaborative management associations – EU-funded global toolkit
Fisheries co-management can give fishing communities a voice by connecting local actors with those at the local, regional, national and international level to raise concerns about the various pressures placed on coastal livelihoods.
Sep 24, 2024Community surveillance – EU-funded global toolkitRead
Community surveillance – EU-funded global toolkit
Community surveillance schemes can detect a range of issues, such as illegal fishing, destructive fishing, and pollution. Within the context of this toolkit, it is predominantly aimed at detecting and reporting illegal fishing.
Sep 24, 2024A global toolkit for participatory fisheries governanceRead
A global toolkit for participatory fisheries governance
This toolkit has been produced by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) with funding from the European Union (EU). It empowers small-scale fishing communities in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and more broadly to achieve secure sustainable, legal and ethical fisheries.
News & Media
Sep 24, 2024Communiqué de presse : Lancement à Dakar d'une nouvelle boîte à outils financée par l'UE pour favoriser une pêche durable dans le mondeRead
News & Media
Sep 24, 2024Press Release: New EU-funded toolkit for sustainable fisheries launching in DakarRead
Sep 24, 2024A global toolkit for participatory fisheries governanceRead
This toolkit has been produced by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) with funding from the European Union (EU). It empowers small-scale fishing communities in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and more broadly to achieve secure sustainable, legal and ethical fisheries.
Sep 24, 2024Boîte à outils mondiale pour une gouvernance participative des pêchesRead
Cette boîte à outils a été produite par Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) avec le financement de l’Union européenne (UE). Elle fournit des conseils techniques aux professionnels des ONG qui travaillent auprès des communautés de pêcheurs artisanaux et cherchent à leur donner les moyens de lutter contre la pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée.
News & Media
Sep 17, 2024Press comment: Mission letters to new Commissioners are a starting point, but real EU environmental action needs much more, says EJFRead
News & Media
Sep 17, 2024European NGOs Criticise Draghi Report’s Outdated and Misguided Promotion of Deep-Sea MiningRead
Sep 17, 2024NGOs' Concerns Regarding References to Deep Sea Mining in Mario Draghi's Report: The Future of European CompetitivenessRead
NGOs urge European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to maintain the Commission's standpoint on deep-sea mining and, in line with the precautionary principle, continue to call for a global moratorium on deep-sea mining.
Sep 17, 2024Funding, restoring and protecting global wetlandsRead
Wetlands store twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests combined, making them essential for ensuring a stable climate. They also support the livelihoods of over a billion people worldwide. However, we are losing them at a rate three times faster than forests. Global commitments to protect and restore wetlands remain underfunded.
Sep 02, 2024Mozambique’s Coastal Crisis: Illegal Fishing by China’s FleetRead
Mozambique’s Coastal Crisis: Illegal Fishing by China’s Fleet
Illegal fishing by China's distant-water fleet is pushing Mozambique's coastal ecosystems to the brink, harming the livelihoods of small-scale fishing communities. To combat this, Mozambique and China must adopt the simple, low-cost measures included in the Global Transparency Charter.
News & Media
Aug 23, 2024Pantanal fires to reach a global jaguar hotspot in a matter of daysRead
Aug 15, 2024Burning Capital: How Taiwan’s public funds risk public assets and fuel the climate crisisRead
Reaching net zero by 2050 is a legally binding target for the Taiwanese government, but continuing investments in fossil fuels hamper the country’s efforts to slash emissions and mean the government is failing in its fiduciary duty as a fund manager for the people. It is crucial that Taiwan actively mitigates the climate crisis by transforming its public fund investments, together with all other sectors.
Aug 14, 2024火上加油:臺灣政府基金未盡忠誠義務,助長氣候危機、危及民眾資產Read
Aug 06, 2024La gestion des risques liés aux activités de pêche maritime professionnelle au regard des enjeux socio-économiques en zone Natura 2000 : Une pratique administrative incompatible avec les obligations de la France au titre de la Directive HabitatsRead
La mise en œuvre de la Directive Habitats par la France, en ce qui concerne la prise en compte des risques liés aux activités de pêche maritime professionnelle lors de l’élaboration des mesures de gestion, apparaît incompatible avec ses obligations au titre du droit européen. Cette note a pour objet de rappeler les obligations incombant à la France au titre de la Directive Habitats en matière de protection du milieu marin et de prise en compte des enjeux socio-économiques dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des mesures de conservation, et d’attirer l’attention des services de l’État sur le défaut de conformité de la pratique administrative française en la matière.
Aug 06, 2024L'urgence d'une mise en oeuvre effective du droit dans les sites Natura 2000Read
Les associations Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) et Défense des Milieux Aquatiques (DMA) recommandent au gouvernement français d’activer les différents leviers légaux existants pour remplir efficacement ses engagements en matière de biodiversité, climat et restauration des écosystèmes, tout en revalorisant les métiers de la petite pêche côtière à faible impact environnemental.
News & Media
Jul 31, 2024Press comment: Sweeping wave of new nations back a ‘precautionary pause’ on deep-sea miningRead
News & Media
Jul 26, 2024Dropped illegal fish dumping cases risk undermining the EU’s commitment to the ocean, say Environmental Justice Foundation and ClientEarthRead
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Jul 25, 2024Press Comment: Implementation is the key for a successful supply chain law, says Environmental Justice FoundationRead
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Jul 18, 2024Next EU Commission President must lead by example on the ocean, wetlands and human rights, says Environmental Justice FoundationRead
News & Media
Jul 17, 2024The false promise: deep-sea mining and the energy transitionRead
Jul 11, 2024Special Representative for Climate Change and Biodiversity letter to the UK GovernmentRead
The UK Special Representative for Climate Change role will be critical to enhance the UK’s engagement at the highest levels of international climate negotiations and will undoubtedly give positive visibility to Labour’s ambition to accelerate climate action. However, we believe biodiversity protection must also be recognised within the role’s title and remit.
Jul 08, 2024Dr Franziska Brantner: "We still know far too little about what happens when we intervene"Read
Dr Franziska Brantner: "We still know far too little about what happens when we intervene"
Jul 02, 2024South American civil society organisations to Leaders of the European Parliament: Please help save the Pantanal from unprecedented firesRead
Spanning 42 million acres, the Pantanal is home to a vast array of species, many of which are vulnerable or endangered. It is an important carbon sink and plays a critical role in climate regulation for South America. The Pantanal is also home to 1.2 million people, including eleven Indigenous territories. However, the vast majority of the Pantanal is unprotected and increasingly threatened by extensive fires.
Jul 01, 2024Nature's unsung heroes: why wetlands matterRead
Nature's unsung heroes: why wetlands matter
Wetlands play a disproportionately large role in supporting biodiversity, maintaining human health and stabilising our global climate. Despite this, the rate of wetland loss far outpaces other biomes, making them one of our planet's most threatened ecosystems.
News & Media
Jul 01, 2024Pantanal fires underscore urgent need for international wetlands actionRead
Jun 17, 2024Nature's Unsung Heroes: Why Wetlands MatterRead
Wetlands play a disproportionately large role in supporting biodiversity, maintaining human health and stabilising our global climate. Despite this, the rate of wetland loss far outpaces other biomes, making them one of our planet's most threatened ecosystems. We must reverse this now.
Jun 11, 2024Championing the change: Priorities for the next European Commission and European Parliament (2024-2029)Read
EJF's recent investigations into exploitation and illegal fishing on Chinese vessels in the Southwest Indian Ocean and the destruction of the Pantanal wetland in Brazil have brought to light the alarming pace of global environmental destruction, often accompanied by egregious human rights violations.
These crucial issues underscore the urgent need for the EU’s global leadership. EJF’s recommendations highlight strategic priorities underrepresented in political discussions, envisioning the EU’s next term, from 2024 to 2029, as a period of intensified efforts to combat illegal fishing and strengthen wetland protection worldwide.
Jun 07, 2024Un manifesto por nuestro océanoRead
En este manifiesto, presentamos una hoja de ruta para proteger los océanos, proporcionando recomendaciones normativas claras para salvar nuestros mares y salvaguardar nuestro futuro.
Jun 07, 2024Marea de injusticia : Explotación y pesca ilegal en embarcaciones chinas en el suroeste del océano ÍndicoRead
El presente informe esboza un mapa de la presencia y las actividades de la flota de altura china en el Océano Índico Sudoccidental, una región conocida por su paisaje marino rico en biodiversidad, que constituye el sustento para las comunidades costeras de la zona. China mantiene desde hace tiempo vínculos económicos y políticos cada vez más estrechos con la región, y ha destacado la economía azul del Océano Índico Sudoccidental como una zona clave de inversión y asociación. A la luz de los riesgos asociados a la presencia de la flota de altura china –que hoy en día se conocen mejor– es necesario examinar dichas inversiones para garantizar que la economía azul del Océano Índico Sudoccidental sea legal, sostenible y equitativa.