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News & Media
Jun 07, 2024EU voters should choose better protection for the natural world this week, says Environmental Justice FoundationRead
Jun 05, 2024Ein Manifest für unseren OzeanRead
Trotz seiner grundlegenden Bedeutung für das Leben auf der Erde befindet sich der Ozean in einer beispiellosen ökologischen Krise: Ohne ambitionierte Maßnahmen zu seinem Schutz riskiert die Menschheit den Verlust einiger der wertvollsten Ökosysteme der Erde, ein stabiles Klima, die Lebensgrundlage von Milliarden von Menschen und erhebliche globale wirtschaftliche Einbußen.
Mit diesem Manifest legen wir einen Fahrplan für den Schutz des Ozeans vor, mit klaren politischen Empfehlungen zur Rettung unserer Meere und zur Sicherung unserer Zukunft.
News & Media
May 28, 2024European Commission warning to Senegal will further strengthen the fight against illegal fishingRead
News & Media
May 28, 2024สนธิสัญญาพลาสติกโลก - การเจรจาครั้งที่ 4 ยังไม่ตอบโจทย์สำคัญ ซ้ำหลายประเด็นยังค้างคาRead
News & Media
May 24, 2024New rules tighten controls on EU vessels to prevent misreportingRead
News & Media
May 17, 2024Global Plastic Treaty negotiations fail to address the elephant in the roomRead
News & Media
May 09, 2024Community participation for the future of global fisheriesRead
News & Media
May 03, 2024World Press Freedom Day: needed now more than everRead
May 02, 2024Open letter: EU industry and NGOs call for sustained European Commission action to keep Thai fisheries safe, legal and sustainableRead
Despite increasing openness from Royal Thai Government agencies to engage in discussions on proposed fisheries legislation rollbacks, evidence of substantive action to remove the most worrying articles is still missing. NGOs and EU fisheries industry groups therefore encourage the European Commission to continue upholding legal, ethical and sustainable fisheries.
May 01, 2024Evaluating fisheries transparency in six Southwest Indian Ocean nationsRead
This report assesses fisheries transparency in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania. For each country, a summary of the findings is provided, along with recommendations for improvement.
Apr 30, 2024Maré de injustiça: Exploração e pesca ilegal em embarcações chinesas no sudoeste do Oceano ÍndicoRead
O relatório mapeia a presença e atividades da frota pesqueira chinesa no Sudoeste do Oceano Índico. As descobertas do relatório mostram que, embora sejam apresentadas em termos de ganha-ganha, desenvolvimento sustentável e benefícios coletivos da economia azul, as realidades a bordo de muitas embarcações na frota pesqueira chinesa contradizem diretamente esses objetivos declarados.
News & Media
Apr 30, 2024Press comment: UN committee developing the Global Plastic Treaty fails to find agreement, but progress is still possibleRead
News & Media
Apr 24, 2024MEPs take a bold step towards corporate accountabilityRead
News & Media
Apr 23, 2024EU takes stand against labour exploitationRead
Campaign Stories
Apr 22, 2024The jewel of the Kalahari desert: The Okavango DeltaRead
News & Media
Apr 19, 2024Press Release: The European Parliament has a golden opportunity to combat systemic environmental and human rights abusesRead
Apr 18, 2024Une vague d'injustice : Exploitation et pêche illégale par les navires chinois dans le sud-ouest de l’océan IndienRead
Ce rapport cartographie la présence et les activités de la flotte chinoise de pêche lointaine dans le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien (« SOOI »), une région remarquable pour son paysage marin riche en biodiversité, qui constitue une ressource vitale pour les communautés côtières sur l’ensemble de ses rivages. Les conclusions du rapport montrent que, bien que les relations qu’entretient la Chine avec ses partenaires régionaux soient formulées en termes de « gagnant-gagnant », de développement durable et de bénéfices partagés de l’économie bleue, les réalités à bord de nombreux navires de la flotte chinoise de pêche lointaine sont en contradiction directe avec ces objectifs déclarés.
News & Media
Apr 18, 2024CSOs Call for ASEAN Leadership for a Successful Global Plastics Treaty to End Plastic PollutionRead
Apr 18, 2024Joint statement: ASEAN leadership key to the success of global plastic treaty to end plastic pollutionRead
Civil society organisations working to end plastic pollution in Southeast Asia and beyond call upon ASEAN member-states to cooperate and negotiate a just, effective global plastic treaty.
Apr 18, 2024Joint Statement: Call on the European Parliament to adopt the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour products on the EU marketRead
76 undersigned civil society organisations, trade unions, investors, businesses, multi-stakeholders’ initiatives and industry bodies call on Members of the European Parliament to vote in favour of the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour products on the EU market in the upcoming Plenary session.
Apr 11, 2024Wimbi la udhalimu: Unyonyaji na uvuvi haramu wa meli za China Kusini Magharibi mwa bahari ya HindiRead
Ripoti hii inaangazia uwepo wa shughuli za uvuvi unaofanywa na vyombo vya majini vya China (DWF) katika eneo la Kusini-Magharibi ya Bahari ya Hindi yaani (SWIO), ukanda unaotambulika kwa utajiri mkubwa wa mazao ya bahari, ambao ni muhimu katika maisha ya jamii.
Apr 11, 2024Tide of injustice: exploitation and illegal fishing on Chinese vessels in the Southwest Indian OceanRead
This report maps the presence and activities of the Chinese DWF in the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO), a region notable for its biodiversity-rich seascape, which is a lifeline to coastal communities across its shores. The findings of the report show that while couched in terms of win-win, sustainable development and collective benefits from the blue economy, the realities on board many vessels in China’s DWF are in direct contradiction of these stated aims.
Apr 11, 2024Tide of injustice: exploitation and illegal fishing on Chinese vessels in the Southwest Indian OceanRead
Tide of injustice: exploitation and illegal fishing on Chinese vessels in the Southwest Indian Ocean
The Chinese fishing fleet is responsible for systemic illegal fishing and human rights abuses in countries bordering the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO), undercutting China’s claims of supporting sustainable development and thriving blue economies in the region, according to a report and film by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). All of the fishers interviewed by EJF who had worked on China’s tuna fleet in the SWIO reportedly experienced or witnessed some form of human rights abuses and/or illegal fishing.
Apr 11, 2024Wimbi la udhalimu: Unyonyaji na uvuvi haramu wa meli za China Kusini Magharibi mwa bahari ya HindiRead
Wimbi la udhalimu: Unyonyaji na uvuvi haramu wa meli za China Kusini Magharibi mwa bahari ya Hindi
Filamu hii inaangazia uwepo wa shughuli za uvuvi unaofanywa na vyombo vya majini vya China (DWF) katika eneo la Kusini-Magharibi ya Bahari ya Hindi yaani (SWIO), ukanda unaotambulika kwa utajiri mkubwa wa mazao ya bahari, ambao ni muhimu katika maisha ya jamii.
News & Media
Apr 11, 2024China is responsible for systemic human rights abuses and illegal fishing across the Southwest Indian Ocean: new investigationRead
News & Media
Apr 11, 2024China es responsable de violaciones sistemáticas de los derechos humanos y de pesca ilegal en el suroeste del océano Índico: nueva investigaciónRead
News & Media
Apr 11, 2024Nouvelle enquête : Flotte chinoise, violations systématiques des droits de l'homme et pêche illégale dans le sud-ouest de l'océan IndienRead
News & Media
Apr 11, 2024China inahusika na Ukiukwaji mkubwa wa haki za binadamu na Uvuvi haramu katika Ukanda wa Kusini Magharibi mwa bahari ya Hindi: Uchunguzi mpyaRead
News & Media
Apr 11, 2024Chinas Hochseeflotte auf Raubzug in Ostafrika – Exporte aus illegaler Fischerei in die EU möglich: neuer EJF-BerichtRead
Apr 05, 2024แถลงการณ์ตอบสมาคมการประมงแห่งประเทศไทยRead
สมาคมการประมงไทยแห่งประเทศไทยซึ่งเป็นกลุ่มผลประโยชน์ของผู้ประกอบการณ์เรือประมงพาณิชย์ไทยได้เผยแพร่ข้อเรียกร้องหลายประการเพื่อสนับสนุนการแก้ไขกฎหมายการประมงในประเทศไทย เอกสารนี้คือการตอบกลับโดยสรุปของเรา
Apr 05, 2024EJF Statement in response to the National Fisheries Association of Thailand (NFAT)Read
The National Association of Thai Fisheries, a lobby group for the Thai fishing industry, recently published several claims about the possible roll-back of fisheries legislation in Thailand. This document summarises our responses.
News & Media
Apr 05, 2024Korea’s new plan to protect migrant crew is a step forward, but systematic solutions are still needed: press releaseRead
Campaign Stories
Apr 03, 2024Environmental DefendersRead
News & Media
Apr 03, 2024Unlocking the power of a truly green transition in the UKRead
News & Media
Mar 22, 2024อีกครั้งที่กุ้งและอาหารทะเลอื่นที่นำเข้าจากประเทศไทยมีความเกี่ยวข้องกับทาสสมัยใหม่Read
News & Media
Mar 15, 2024EU Member States salvage a deal for more sustainable business practicesRead
News & Media
Mar 13, 2024EU ambassadors say yes to the EU forced labour lawRead
News & Media
Mar 13, 2024Products linked to forced labour may have entered the international market via Busan: new analysisRead
Mar 11, 2024Joint Statement: Call on EU governments to support the EU’s Regulation to prohibit forced labour productsRead
37 civil society organisations and trade unions from across Europe and beyond today call upon EU Member States to back the inter-institutional agreement reached earlier in March on the Regulation to prohibit products made from forced labour from entering the EU’s Single Market, ensuring new rules enter into force without delay.
News & Media
Mar 11, 2024Marine protection requires equalityRead