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News & Media
Mar 11, 2024Marine protection requires equalityRead
Mar 11, 2024Levelling the playing field: Assessing the impact of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) in Liberia’s coastal communitiesRead
Women play an integral role in Liberia’s small-scale fisheries (SSF). However, the contribution women make to the sector is threatened by challenges that undermine their livelihood opportunities and limit their active participation in fisheries decision-making processes. The Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) scheme seeks to address these challenges and increase women’s participation in the governance and management of Liberia’s SSF sector.
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the impact of these VSLAs in their respective communities over a period of one year
News & Media
Mar 07, 2024Zhejiang Ocean Family's fishing fleet: revealing concerns about illegal fishing and human rights abuseRead
Mar 07, 2024IUU 漁業および人権侵害が懸念されている魚介類の 日本市場への流入の可能性について – 日本政府への提言 –Read
EJFは、現行の制度について注意深い検証を行い、EU、タイ、韓国などを含む世界中の政府との協力経験や実地調査を 活かして、IUUシーフードを市場から排除するために、5つの主要な問題が緊急に解決されるべきだと結論づけました。こ れらの問題は、輸入管理の対象となる魚種が十分に網羅されていないこと、労働者の人権が考慮されていないこと、漁 業界全体の透明性が不足していること、輸入された魚介類が消費者に届くまでの追跡ができないこと、そして罰則が十 分でないことです。
Mar 07, 2024Briefing to the Japanese government on concerns over seafood products associated with illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and human trafficking entering the Japanese marketRead
This briefing follows careful reviews of the current seafood import control system in Japan. It identifies five major legislative loopholes that should be addressed urgently – these loopholes are insufficient coverage of species, negligence in considering human rights, a lack of transparency, an absence of traceability and insufficient penalties when infractions are detected.
Mar 07, 2024Zhejiang Ocean Family Co Ltd and its fishy businessRead
The Zhejiang Ocean Family Co., Ltd. (大洋世家(浙江)股份公司 / ZOF) is a leading fishery company in Chinese and global seafood supply chains. This investigation found that 12 vessels owned or chartered by ZOF or a ZOF subsidiary were systematically engaged in different forms of IUU fishing such as shark finning, intentionally killing cetaceans. Vessels were also implicated in a number of human rights abuses including physical abuse, salary deductions, human trafficking and forced labour.
Feb 29, 2024Scourge of the seasRead
In Thailand, bottom trawling threatens livelihoods, food security and ocean ecosystems. This report examines the impact of a particularly destructive form of bottom trawling, known as pair trawling, and makes recommendations for reform.
Feb 29, 2024Scourge of the seas: The impact of bottom trawling on Thailand's marine ecosystemsRead
Scourge of the seas: The impact of bottom trawling on Thailand's marine ecosystems
In Thailand, a destructive form of fishing known as pair trawling threatens fisheries, food security, and ocean ecosystems. Pair trawling is when two vessels tow one net between them, which leaves vast areas of the seabed bare of life. Our film and report, supported by the Transform Bottom Trawling Coalition, reveals the pair trawler fleet's immense impact.
Feb 26, 2024Uncovering hidden human rights abuses and illegal fishing at seaRead
Uncovering hidden human rights abuses and illegal fishing at sea
As fishing vessels scour the ocean for dwindling fish stocks, satellite monitoring is becoming a key tool in tracking their elusive trails. In 2020, investigators from the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) identified two vessels engaged in unauthorised tuna fishing in the Atlantic, revealing a 'ghost fleet' exploiting vulnerable crews, engaging in illegal practices like shark finning, and smuggling high-value catches into global markets.
News & Media
Feb 23, 2024The UK's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty is a huge step for climate actionRead
News & Media
Feb 15, 2024Who supports the EU supply chain law?Read
News & Media
Feb 09, 2024EU Member States fail to find an agreement to make business more sustainableRead
News & Media
Feb 07, 2024European Parliament responds to Norway's decision to open the Arctic to deep-sea mining by calling for a global moratorium on the industryRead
News & Media
Feb 06, 2024Germany abstaining on corporate sustainability legislation would knowingly fail people and our planet: press commentRead
Campaign Stories
Feb 02, 2024Protecting the PantanalRead
News & Media
Jan 29, 2024Council proposes weak EU involvement in inspecting cases of forced labour in third countries ahead of trilogue phaseRead
News & Media
Jan 17, 2024New Drax development is "is a shockingly backwards decision which will send both trees and cash up in smoke"Read
News & Media
Jan 17, 2024Press comment: new Drax development is "is a shockingly backwards decision which will send both trees and cash up in smoke"Read
News & Media
Jan 11, 2024EJF's report reveals systemic labour abuses and environmental destruction in Brazil's cattle ranching industry linked to EU supply chainsRead
News & Media
Jan 09, 2024Norway's decision to move ahead with deep-sea mining is "an irrevocable black mark on Norway’s reputation as a responsible ocean state": press commentRead
News & Media
Jan 09, 2024Today, as Norway votes on moving forward with deep-mining, new report from EJF shows that deep-sea mining is not needed for clean energy transition: new researchRead
Jan 09, 2024Critical minerals and the green transition: do we need to mine the deep seas?Read
Proponents of deep-sea mining contend it is needed to fill a future gap in the supply of critical minerals required for the clean energy transition. This briefing explains why this argument is flawed.
Jan 09, 2024Victor Vescovo: deep-sea mining is "simply not a good investment"Read
Victor Vescovo: deep-sea mining is "simply not a good investment"
Ocean explorer and private equity investor Victor Vescovo explains the financial risks of investing in deep-sea mining, and the increasing redundancy of minerals extracted from the deep ocean.
Jan 01, 2024Communities for Fisheries project update - July-December 2023Read
The EU-funded Communities for Fisheries project aims to create skilled, capable and effective community co-management associations (CMAs) to secure legal and sustainable fisheries in Liberia. This brief summarises the progress made under the project from July to December of 2023.
Dec 18, 2023Securing effective and transparent prosecutions of fisheries violations in Ghana: Recommendations for the reform of the fisheries law frameworkRead
This briefing analyses the key gaps and weaknesses in Ghana’s current prosecution system for fisheries violations, both in terms of the legal framework and in terms of practical implementation, and provides recommendations for addressing these issues, considering the ongoing reform of the national fisheries law framework.
Dec 12, 2023Leaving No One Behind: A community-based analysis of gender inclusion and economic vulnerability in Liberia’s small-scale fisheriesRead
This report documents gender issues in the fisheries sector in Liberia and reveals that strategies to advance women's status in small-scale fisheries are still a key development issue. It also shows that marginalised and economically vulnerable groups in Liberia's fishing communities are being excluded from crucial decision-making processes.
Campaign Stories
Dec 08, 2023A global toolkit for participatory fisheries governanceRead
Dec 06, 2023Slave labour in the Brazilian cattle ranching industry: the case of the Pantanal and the European marketRead
Slave labour is prevalent in Brazil’s cattle ranching industry. This report investigates slavery on ranches in the Pantanal wetland, including some linked to JBS, the world’s largest meat producer.
Dec 06, 2023Thailand’s progress in combatting IUU, forced labour & human trafficking: EJF observations and recommendations volume 10, 2023Read
Since February 2016, EJF has carried out multiple in-depth observations of the Royal Thai Government’s (RTG) initiatives aimed at tackling IUU fishing and human trafficking in the Thai fishing industry. This version is the 10th edition of this technical report. It represents the culmination of eight years worth of experience working directly with the Thai authorities as well as conducting independent field assessments of Thailand’s monitoring, control and surveillance mechanisms.
News & Media
Dec 05, 2023Norway’s proposal to move forward with commercial deep-sea mining must be rejectedRead
Nov 29, 2023Open letter calling on Lord Cameron to support greater protections for the Pantanal wetlandRead
With COP 28 upon us, it is critical that the international community addresses current threats to the Pantanal, in recognition of the central role it plays in our ability to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown. Alongside MPs, peers and other NGOs in the UK and Brazil, we are calling on Lord Cameron, the UK's Foreign Secretary, to begin this process.
News & Media
Nov 22, 2023Mexico's commitment to a deep-sea mining moratorium is a truly seismic shiftRead
News & Media
Nov 22, 2023Mexico's commitment to a deep-sea mining moratorium is a truly seismic shiftRead
Nov 21, 2023Trabalho escravo no setor pecuarista: o caso de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do SulRead
Entre 1995 e 2022, o setor pecuarista foi responsável por 46% dos casos detectados de trabalho escravo no país, percentual maior que qualquer outro setor.
News & Media
Nov 17, 2023EU supply chains drive deforestation in biodiversity hotspot as major fires spreadRead
News & Media
Nov 16, 2023EU supply chains drive deforestation in biodiversity hotspot as major fires spread: EJF reportRead
Nov 16, 2023The impact of EU supply chains on deforestation and biodiversity in Brazil's Pantanal: a global wetland under threatRead
This research explores the role played by EU cattle supply chains in driving the conversion of native vegetation to pasture in the Pantanal biome, with a view to informing the European Commission’s impact assessment of the expansion of the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products to include Other Wooded Land and Other Natural Ecosystems.
Nov 16, 2023Burning paradise: how the EU is fuelling the Pantanal's demiseRead
Burning paradise: how the EU is fuelling the Pantanal's demise
EU supply chains are directly driving the destruction of the Pantanal, one of the world's largest wetlands. Expanding anti-deforestation legislation could protect it.
Nov 13, 2023Technical Briefing for Korea’s implementation of the PSMARead
The Food and Agriculture Organization’s Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA) is the first binding international agreement that specifically targets illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The Republic of Korea ratified the PSMA in 2016 – however, EJF’s observation and monitoring has found that the implementation of the PSMA requires significant improvement.
Nov 08, 2023Lettre ouverte adressée au Ministre des Pêches et de l’Économie maritime (MPEM) du Sénégal - Problématique du chalutage de fond au SénégalRead
Nous souhaitons attirer l'attention sur la crise des ressources halieutiques que traverse le Sénégal en raison notamment des pratiques de pêche destructrices de l'environnement, non durables et souvent illégales pratiquées par la flotte chalutière du pays.