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Nov 02, 2023موجز السياسات: القضية القانونية لآلية امتثال فعالة للهيئة العامة لمصائد الأسماك في البحر الأبيض المتوسطRead
The legal analysis by Professor Tullio Scovazzi and Professor Simone Vezzani of the GFCM’s legal framework, applicable international law, and existing compliance regimes of other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) indicates that the reasons for this gap are of a political, not legal, nature.
Nov 02, 2023Note de politique : Les arguments juridiques en faveur d'un mécanisme de conformité efficace de la CGPMRead
L’analyse juridique du cadre juridique de la CGPM, du droit international applicable et des régimes de conformité existants d’autres organisations régionales de gestion des pêches (ORGP) réalisée par les professeurs Tullio Scovazzi et Simone Vezzani indique que les raisons de cette lacune sont de nature politique et non juridique.
Nov 02, 2023Policy brief : The legal case for an effective GFCM compliance mechanismRead
The legal analysis by Professor Tullio Scovazzi and Professor Simone Vezzani of the GFCM’s legal framework, applicable international law, and existing compliance regimes of other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) indicates that the reasons for this gap are of a political, not legal, nature.
Oct 31, 2023Legal opinion on compliance and corrective measures in the GFCM systemRead
A legal analysis by Tullio Scovazzi and Simone Vezzani of the legality of the proposed compliance and corrective measures for the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
Oct 31, 2023Comment le chalutage de fond précipite l'effondrement de la pêche artisanale au SénégalRead
Comment le chalutage de fond précipite l'effondrement de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal
Les pratiques de pêche destructrices de l'environnement et non durables pratiquées par la flotte chalutière aggravent la crise du secteur de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal.
Oct 31, 2023Au point de rupture: comment le chalutage de fond précipite l'effondrement de la pêche artisanale au SénégalRead
Les pratiques de pêche destructrices de l'environnement et non durables pratiquées par la flotte chalutière aggravent la crise du secteur de la pêche artisanale au Sénégal.
Oct 31, 2023At the tipping point: how bottom trawling is precipitating the collapse of Senegal’s artisanal fisheriesRead
At the tipping point: how bottom trawling is precipitating the collapse of Senegal’s artisanal fisheries
Artisanal fishing communities are the beating heart of Senegal’s fisheries sector. Yet they are under threat from severe declines in fish populations, driven in part by overfishing by the bottom trawl industry.
Oct 31, 2023At the tipping point: how bottom trawling is precipitating the collapse of Senegal’s artisanal fisheriesRead
Artisanal fishing communities are the beating heart of Senegal’s fisheries sector, yet they are under threat. This report documents the environmental and socio-economic impacts of bottom trawling in Senegal.
Oct 30, 2023Briefing: Schädliche Umweltauswirkungen im EU-Lieferkettengesetz – Fallbeispiel: IUU-FischereiRead
Dieses Briefing zeigt anhand des Beispiels der illegalen, unregulierten und nicht gemeldeten (IUU-)Fischerei, dass eine weit gefasste Definition schädlicher Umweltauswirkungen im EU-Lieferkettengesetz dazu beitragen kann, besonders schädliche Auswirkungen der Fischerei auf die Umwelt zu verhindern und die Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Sektor zu fördern. Gleichzeitig kann dieser Ansatz Rechtsunsicherheiten beseitigen, gleiche Wettbewerbsbedingungen fördern und europäischen Unternehmen mehr Klarheit darüber verschaffen, welche negativen Auswirkungen ihre Aktivitäten auf die Umwelt und die Meere haben.
Das Briefing empfiehlt darüber hinaus eine Einteilung in folgende Kategorien: Klimawandel, Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt, Verschmuztung von Luft, Wasser und Böden, Schädigung von Land-, Meeres- und Süßwasserökosystemen, Entwaldung und übermäßiger Ressourcenverbrauch (z.B. Wasser, Energie).
Campaign Stories
Oct 24, 2023The future of fashionRead
Campaign Stories
Oct 24, 2023Uncovering exploitation in UzbekistanRead
News & Media
Oct 18, 2023EU takes concrete action to combat forced labour in global fisheriesRead
News & Media
Oct 16, 2023Lead committees confirm their position on the Forced labour Regulation, yet fall short on addressing systemic forced labourRead
News & Media
Oct 16, 2023ภาคประชาสังคมเรียกร้องให้รัฐบาลไทยยุติการผ่อนปรนกฎระเบียบในอุตสาหกรรมประมงRead
News & Media
Oct 16, 2023Civil society urges Thai government to stop deregulation of the fisheries industryRead
News & Media
Oct 16, 2023Civil society urges Thai government to stop deregulation of the fisheries industryRead
Oct 14, 2023Joint Civil Society Statement Concerning Thailand's Fishing Sector at a Critical CrossroadsRead
The Royal Thai Government’s progress to date in achieving a sustainable, legal, and ethical Thai fishing sector is commendable. However, rolling back reforms now would pose risks to Thailand and its fishing industry, especially when the global community is moving toward greater transparency and accountability in the seafood industry.
Oct 14, 2023แถลงการณ ์ ร่วมภาคประชาสงัคม เรื7องภาคประมงของไทยในช่วงหวัเลีAยวหวัต่อRead
ความก้าวหน้าของรัฐบาลไทยในการบรรลุภาคประมงไทยที่ยั่งยืน ถูกกฎหมาย และมีจริยธรรม เป็นสิ่งที่น่ายกย่อง อย่างไรก็ตาม การปฏิรูปถอยหลังในช่วงหัวเลี้ยวหัวต่อที่สำคัญนี้อาจก่อให้เกิดความเสี่ยงร้ายแรงต่อประเทศไทยและอุตสาหกรรมประมง โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเมื่อประชาคมโลกกำลังมุ่งสู่ความโปร่งใสและความรับผิดชอบในอุตสาหกรรมอาหารทะเลมากขึ้น
Oct 13, 2023EU の強制労働製品の輸入販売禁止 -規則の効果的な執行を確保するには- 違法・無報告・無規制漁業(IUU 漁業)に対する EU の IUU 漁業規則の成功から学ぶRead
Oct 04, 2023Enabling action in cases of systemic forced labourRead
As part of the setting up of an EU framework to combat forced labour, Europêche and the Environmental Justice Foundation - having a joint objective of securing sustainable and human rights abuse free fisheries - encourage Members of the European Parliament to enable the EU to take measures in cases where forced labour practices are systemic.
News & Media
Oct 03, 2023Mediterranean countries not on track to protect the Mediterranean against illegal and unsustainable fishingRead
News & Media
Sep 28, 2023Métaux critiques pour la transition: la solution n'est pas la destruction des grands fonds mais l'économie circulaire et la sobriétéRead
News & Media
Sep 20, 2023European Parliament Committee on Fisheries calls for greater scrutiny of China's distant water fleetRead
Sep 18, 2023Mapping the extent of Chinese ownership and its linkages in Sierra Leone's trawl sectorRead
This briefing provides an overview of the fleet of Chinese-flagged or owned fishing vessels operating in Sierra Leone. It explores the prevalence of Chinese-owned trawlers and supporting fleets in the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the extent to which these vessels, and/or their owners, have a history of IUU fishing.
Sep 18, 2023Mapping the extent of Chinese ownership and its linkages in The Gambia's trawl sectorRead
This briefing provides an overview of the fleet of Chinese-flagged or owned fishing vessels operating in The Gambia. It explores the prevalence of Chinese-owned trawlers and supporting fleets in the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the extent to which these vessels, and/or their owners, have a history of IUU fishing.
Sep 18, 2023Mapping the extent of Chinese ownership and its linkages in Guinea's trawl sectorRead
This briefing provides an overview of the fleet of Chinese-flagged or owned fishing vessels operating in Guinea. It explores the prevalence of Chinese-owned trawlers and supporting fleets in the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the extent to which these vessels, and/or their owners, have a history of IUU fishing.
Sep 11, 2023Who decides? Stakeholder and network analysis of customary governance in small-scale fisheries of LiberiaRead
The small-scale fisheries sector in Liberia relies on informal governance structures with multiple stakeholders at different leadership levels. This report analyses how these structures play an important role in addressing issues like overexploitation and unsustainable fishing practices.
Aug 29, 2023Manual pelatihan jurnalisme investigasiRead
EJF dan Tempo Institute melalui manual ini bermaksud untuk membagikan metodologi dan teknik-teknik yang baik atau praktik terbaik dalam melakukan investigasi berbasis lapangan terhadap kejahatan-kejahatan lingkungan di Indonesia, serta menginspirasi generasi jurnalis muda berikutnya untuk menaruh minat pada pendokumentasian dan pelaporan isu-isu lingkungan.
Aug 29, 2023Investigative journalism training manualRead
EJF and TEMPO Institute intend for this manual to share good or best practice methodologies and techniques for conducting field-based investigations into environmental crimes in Indonesia, as well as to inspire the next generation of young journalists to take an interest in documenting and reporting on environmental issues.
News & Media
Aug 25, 2023Pacific island nations again lead the way in protecting the oceanRead
Aug 15, 2023Taking stock: documenting the effectiveness of co-management practice in LiberiaRead
This report uses the experiences of the Grand Cape Mount County Collaborative Management Association to present the challenges, achievements, and lessons learned from practising co-management in Liberia.
News & Media
Jul 29, 2023A first victory against the rush to deep-sea miningRead
Jul 20, 2023สถานการณ์์การประมงไทยRead
รายงานฉบับนี้รวบรวมความก้าวหน้าที่สำคัญของประเทศไทยในการต่อสู้กับประมงผิดกฎหมาย ขาดการรายงาน และไร้การควบคุม ตลอดจนการละเมิดสิทธิมนุษย์ชนกลางทะเล ทั้งนี้ยังได้นำเสนอข้อเสนอแนะเชิงนโยบายแก่รัฐบาลไทยในการธำรงไว้ซึ่งความก้าวหน้าและทำให้มั่นใจได้ว่าอุตสาหกรรมประมงไทยจะมีความยั่งยืนและความสามารถในการแข่งขัน
Jul 20, 2023High and dry: a policy briefing on the future of Thai fisheriesRead
This briefing outlines the significant progress made in Thailand in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and human rights abuses at sea. It provides recommendations for future Thai governments to secure this progress and ensure Thailand's fishing industry is sustainable and competitive.
News & Media
Jul 19, 2023Forced labour gets the red card: key committee votes in favour of addressing systemic labour abusesRead
Jul 13, 2023The risk of sleepwalking into deep-sea disaster is at hand, say government officialsRead
The risk of sleepwalking into deep-sea disaster is at hand, say government officials
More and more states are coming forward and calling for a stop to the rush towards deep-sea mining, including France and Germany. Sebastian Unger, Germany’s Federal Government Commissioner for the Ocean, and Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, the French Ambassador for the Poles and Maritime Issues, tell us why deep-sea mining poses a grave threat to this pristine marine ecosystem.
News & Media
Jul 12, 2023How 30x30 ocean conservation can protect human rights and natureRead
Jul 11, 2023Statement to the Council of the International Seabed Authority on the 28th Session 10 – 28 July 2023Read
The Environmental Justice Foundation urges the Council and the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority to take action to prevent irreversible harm to the world’s ocean.
News & Media
Jul 10, 2023EJF in action: supporting environmental journalism in CameroonRead
News & Media
Jul 07, 2023New EU deforestation regulation is a win for forest protectionRead