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News & Media
Oct 07, 2020Clothes and climate: Is cotton best?Read
News & Media
Oct 01, 2020The new refugeesRead
News & Media
Sep 30, 2020Ghanaian saiko: an ecological catastropheRead
News & Media
Sep 29, 2020To prevent the next pandemic ban commercial wildlife markets: new reportRead
News & Media
Sep 29, 2020To prevent the next pandemic, ban commercial wildlife marketsRead
Sep 29, 2020Why ban commercial wildlife markets?Read
Banning commercial wildlife markets will not make another deadly pandemic impossible, but it is a first step on the road to making it much less likely.
Sep 29, 2020Warum kommerzielle Märkte für Wildtiere verbieten?Read
Das Verbot kommerzieller Märkte für Wildtiere wird eine weitere tödliche Pandemie nicht unmöglich machen, doch es ist ein erster Schritt auf dem Weg, sie unwahrscheinlicher zu machen. EJF unterstützt die Empfehlung von medizinischen Fachleuten, Gesundheitsexpert*innen und Naturschützer*innen und fordert ein globales und dauerhaftes Verbot kommerzieller Märkte für Wildtiere.
Sep 24, 2020การสััมภาษณ์์แรงงานข้้ามชาติิRead
คู่มือรวบรวมคำแนะนำฉบับนี้จัดทำขึ้นเพื่อให้ข้อมูลภาพรวมเกี่ยวกับกระบวนการสัมภาษณ์ที่ควรทำและคำถามที่ควรใช้สัมภาษณ์แรงงานข้ามชาติเพื่อคัดกรองหาสัญญาณบ่งชี้กรณีการค้ามนุษย์หรือการบังคับใช้และละเมิดสิทธิแรงงานในอุตสาหกรรมประมง โดยอ้างอิงจากข้อมูลทีได้จากการสืบสวนและลงพื้นที่สังเกตการณ์ของ EJF ตั้งแต่ พ.ศ. 2556
Sep 24, 2020Conducting interviews with migrant workersRead
This guide is designed to provide an overview of interview procedures for use by Thai port officials when conducting vessel inspections. It is designed to improve the chances that workers will feel comfortable enough to speak out about potential labour violations taking place onboard their vessel. Although this guide is written specifically for Thai labour inspections a lot of the screening tools included in this briefing are translatable to other worker engagements around the world.
News & Media
Sep 22, 2020Fire, floods, famine: When will we act on climate?Read
News & Media
Sep 17, 2020การปฏิรูปอุตสาหกรรมประมงนั้นเป็นประโยชน์ที่แท้จริงต่อประเทศไทย บทความโดย สตีฟ เทรนท์ ผู้อำนวยการบริหาร มูลนิธิความยุติธรรมเชิงสิ่งแวดล้อม (EJF)Read
News & Media
Sep 17, 2020Fishing industry reforms are firmly in Thailand’s best interestsRead
Sep 16, 2020Legal opinion on the requirement for Parliamentary approval for industrial fishing licences in GhanaRead
This briefing summarises the key findings of a legal opinion delivered by Ghanaian legal consultancy the Taylor Crabbe Innitiative (TCi) to the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) in November 2019. In the opinion, TCi analyses the procedure for licensing industrial vessels to fish in Ghanaian waters and alignment of current practice with the provisions of the 1992 Constitution.
Sep 16, 2020台灣漁船隊非法補魚和侵犯人權行為報告 2020年8月Read
News & Media
Sep 14, 2020The world’s largest tropical wetland is ablazeRead
Sep 08, 2020Le quatrième principe pour la transparence : Fiche technique pour sa mise en œuvreRead
Cette note d’information technique s’intéresse à comment mettre en œuvre au mieux l’un des principes essentiels de la Charte d’EJF pour la Transparence : la publication des sanctions imposées dans les affaires de pêche illicite et de criminalité liée à la pêche.
Sep 08, 2020Le troisième principe pour la transparence : Fiche technique pour sa mise en œuvreRead
Cette note d’information technique s’intéresse à comment mettre en œuvre au mieux l’un des principes essentiels de la Charte d’EJF pour la Transparence : la publication des listes de licences de pêche et d’autorisations.
Sep 08, 2020Comment mettre en œuvre au mieux les principes trois et quatre de la Charte pour la TransparenceRead
Ce rapport entend épauler les États dans l’application de deux principes essentiels de la Charte d’EJF pour la Transparence : la publication des listes de licences de pêche et d’autorisations et celle des sanctions imposées dans les affaires de pêche illicite et de criminalité liée à la pêche.
Sep 08, 2020Transparency principle four: Factsheet for implementationRead
This technical brief focuses on how best to implement a central principle of EJF’s Charter for Transparency: publishing punishments handed out for illegal fishing and fisheries crimes.
Sep 08, 2020How best to implement principles three and four of the Charter for TransparencyRead
This report helps states to implement two key principles of EJF’s Charter for Transparency: publishing lists of fishing licences and authorisations and publishing punishments handed out for illegal fishing and fisheries crimes. The Charter for Transparency consists of ten simple, low-cost measures that could play a pivotal role in the battle against illegal fishing.
Sep 08, 2020Transparency principle three: Factsheet for implementationRead
This technical brief focuses on how best to implement a central principle of EJF’s Charter for Transparency: publishing lists of fishing licences and authorisations.
News & Media
Sep 08, 2020How to eradicate illegal fishingRead
News & Media
Sep 03, 2020The year the world caught fireRead
News & Media
Aug 25, 2020Liberia's Fisheries Authority NaFAA and EJF Collaborate to Support Sustainable FisheriesRead
News & Media
Aug 24, 2020Chinese-owned trawler in Ghana re-licensed despite illegal fishing and unpaid fineRead
News & Media
Aug 24, 2020Chinese-owned trawler in Ghana re-licensed despite illegal fishing and unpaid fineRead
News & Media
Aug 06, 2020Crimes against Indigenous people must end nowRead
News & Media
Aug 03, 2020Three illegal trawlers flee Sierra Leone to escape justiceRead
News & Media
Aug 03, 2020On the run: Three illegal trawlers flee Sierra Leone to escape justiceRead
News & Media
Jul 30, 2020Those in peril on the seaRead
Jul 23, 2020Out of Reach: Taiwan’s failure to prevent illegal fishing and violent abuse in its distant water fleetRead
Out of Reach: Taiwan’s failure to prevent illegal fishing and violent abuse in its distant water fleet
Violent abuse of migrant workers and flagrant illegal fishing are systemic problems across Taiwan’s distant water fishing fleet, a survey conducted by EJF of crew from 62 vessels has found.
News & Media
Jul 22, 2020Widespread abuse and illegal fishing as Taiwan’s fleet remains out of controlRead
News & Media
Jul 22, 2020Widespread abuse and illegal fishing as Taiwan’s fleet remains out of controlRead
Jul 22, 2020Illegal fishing and human rights abuses in the Taiwanese fishing fleetRead
Violent abuse of migrant workers and flagrant illegal fishing are systemic problems across Taiwan’s distant water fishing fleet, a survey conducted by EJF of crew from 62 vessels has found.
News & Media
Jul 20, 2020Warning to EU over imports from vessels fishing illegally in GhanaRead
News & Media
Jul 20, 2020Warning to EU over imports from vessels fishing illegally in GhanaRead
Jul 20, 2020Europe – a market for illegal seafood from West Africa: the case of Ghana’s industrial trawl sectorRead
This report reveals the linkages between the European seafood market and illegal practices in Ghana’s industrial trawl sector.
News & Media
Jul 14, 2020Liberian fishing communities threatened by Chinese supertrawlersRead
News & Media
Jul 14, 2020Liberian fishing communities threatened by Chinese supertrawlersRead
Jul 14, 2020Illegal saiko landings at Elmina portRead
In November 2019, the Government of Ghana committed to ending the highly destructive and illegal fishing practice known as “saiko”. Since this announcement, almost 400 saiko canoes have landed fish illegally at Elmina port. EJF is calling on the President to lead in taking action to ensure saiko is eradicated.